Not AvailableAlthough oil-sardine fishery is a major fishery on the west coast, it is a minor fishery in some places on the east coast. Information about Sardinella longiceps (valenciennes) on the east coast is scanty and the total catch landed at Parangipettai was about 79.95 tonnes from October 1985 to September 1986. Oil-sardine fishery was dominant in Parangipettai during July 1986 to September .86 amounting to about 70.5 tonnes. The length ranged from 102 to 103 mm in total length and nearly 60% of the catch comprised of fish above 160 mm In length. The size at first maturity was 156 mm for females and 158.5 mm for males and spawning was found to occur from July 1986 to September'86. A comprehensive study of the occurrence and b...