Uppsatsen syftar till att förklara drivkrafterna bakom utvecklingen av den svenska ubåtsjaktförmågan under 1980-talet. Detta sker genom att utvecklingen studeras ur två olika perspektiv med avsikt att utröna vilket av dem som har bäst förklaringskraft. Perspektiven underbyggs av varsin statsvetenskaplig förklaringsmodell, som båda är hämtade från Graham Allisons Essence of Decision. Modellerna benämns i detta arbete det rationella aktörsperspektivet respektive det interna maktkampsperspektivet. Till vart och ett av perspektiven lämnar Allison ett antal rekommenderade frågeställningar och med hjälp av dessa utvecklas två analytiska nät. Näten används sedan för att söka igenom empirin för att skapa underlag för ett besvarande av studiens fråg...
This study investigates the contemporary Swedish deterrence strategy through a qualitative text anal...
The purpose of this paper is to investigate possible reasons Sweden might have had to motivate the s...
Is there a common notion amongst the political and military leadership in Sweden on how to defend th...
The aim of the present study is to explain what where the driving forces behind the development of a...
The submarine has historically proven itself to be able to greatly contribute to the achievement of ...
Uppsatsen syftar till att förklara de drivkrafter som fanns bakom den intensiva utveck-lingen av sve...
I början av 1950-talet utvecklades en idé att flottan skulle bli lättare. Detta berodde delvis på ek...
This study thesis Swedish national defence cooperation during the time of the Cold War until today w...
This bachelor thesis deal with the Soviet submarine U-137 and it's grounding in the Swedish archipel...
From underwater boat to submarine – The development of the Swedish submarine service 1945-1960 The ...
The Swedish armed forces deterrent strategy today has a lot of similarities with the deterrent strat...
Between the 1950s and late 1990s the Swedish armed forces prepared for an invasion from the Soviet U...
This study aims to explain whether the driving forces behind the development and acquisition of weap...
Världen är i ständig förändring, så även de krig och konflikter som utkämpas. Aktörerna utgörs inte ...
Sweden's decision to participate in Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR) in Iraq 2015 appears to be a pa...
This study investigates the contemporary Swedish deterrence strategy through a qualitative text anal...
The purpose of this paper is to investigate possible reasons Sweden might have had to motivate the s...
Is there a common notion amongst the political and military leadership in Sweden on how to defend th...
The aim of the present study is to explain what where the driving forces behind the development of a...
The submarine has historically proven itself to be able to greatly contribute to the achievement of ...
Uppsatsen syftar till att förklara de drivkrafter som fanns bakom den intensiva utveck-lingen av sve...
I början av 1950-talet utvecklades en idé att flottan skulle bli lättare. Detta berodde delvis på ek...
This study thesis Swedish national defence cooperation during the time of the Cold War until today w...
This bachelor thesis deal with the Soviet submarine U-137 and it's grounding in the Swedish archipel...
From underwater boat to submarine – The development of the Swedish submarine service 1945-1960 The ...
The Swedish armed forces deterrent strategy today has a lot of similarities with the deterrent strat...
Between the 1950s and late 1990s the Swedish armed forces prepared for an invasion from the Soviet U...
This study aims to explain whether the driving forces behind the development and acquisition of weap...
Världen är i ständig förändring, så även de krig och konflikter som utkämpas. Aktörerna utgörs inte ...
Sweden's decision to participate in Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR) in Iraq 2015 appears to be a pa...
This study investigates the contemporary Swedish deterrence strategy through a qualitative text anal...
The purpose of this paper is to investigate possible reasons Sweden might have had to motivate the s...
Is there a common notion amongst the political and military leadership in Sweden on how to defend th...