Technology standardization unfolds as a dialectic process marked by paradoxical tensions. However, standardization research has yet to provide a dialectic analysis of how tensions and management responses interact recursively over time, and with what effect. In this paper, we apply dialectics to analyze an action research study of a Swedish initiative that developed and diffused a technology standard to facilitate the integration of disparate IT systems in road haulage firms. Drawing on the technology standardization literature and our empirical analysis, we engage in midrange theorizing to capture the recursive dynamics through which standard-setters construct and respond to manifestations of three latent tensions: development versus diffu...
Standards play an important role within information and communication technology as it becomes netwo...
In today's environment of rapidly evolving information and communication technologies (ICTs), techni...
The development of larger technical systems relies on the coordination of autonomous action of a mul...
Standards play an important role within information and communication technology as it becomes netwo...
This article examines the dynamics of inter- and intra-firm networks in technical standard setting i...
Purpose - The purpose of this mainly conceptual paper is to analyze key changes in the institutional...
Disruptive technology is increasingly gaining attention by industries, standards development organiz...
Cooperation and competition have traditionally been considered separate modes of interaction between...
Developing standards is a social practice wherein experts engage in discussions to evaluate design s...
This paper suggests that when the phenomenon of standards and standardization is examined from the p...
In modern business, standards are too important to be ignored. But what is the rationale for active ...
Abstract This paper suggests that when the phenomenon of standards and standardization is examined f...
This article examines the dynamics of inter- and intra-firm networks in technical standard setting i...
Standardization of innovative technology can create great competitive advantage for organizations. I...
Standards and standardization policies increasingly influence innovation and competitiveness. As wel...
Standards play an important role within information and communication technology as it becomes netwo...
In today's environment of rapidly evolving information and communication technologies (ICTs), techni...
The development of larger technical systems relies on the coordination of autonomous action of a mul...
Standards play an important role within information and communication technology as it becomes netwo...
This article examines the dynamics of inter- and intra-firm networks in technical standard setting i...
Purpose - The purpose of this mainly conceptual paper is to analyze key changes in the institutional...
Disruptive technology is increasingly gaining attention by industries, standards development organiz...
Cooperation and competition have traditionally been considered separate modes of interaction between...
Developing standards is a social practice wherein experts engage in discussions to evaluate design s...
This paper suggests that when the phenomenon of standards and standardization is examined from the p...
In modern business, standards are too important to be ignored. But what is the rationale for active ...
Abstract This paper suggests that when the phenomenon of standards and standardization is examined f...
This article examines the dynamics of inter- and intra-firm networks in technical standard setting i...
Standardization of innovative technology can create great competitive advantage for organizations. I...
Standards and standardization policies increasingly influence innovation and competitiveness. As wel...
Standards play an important role within information and communication technology as it becomes netwo...
In today's environment of rapidly evolving information and communication technologies (ICTs), techni...
The development of larger technical systems relies on the coordination of autonomous action of a mul...