Denna undersökning kommer undersöka ursprungsbefolkningen i Kanada och i USA, First Nations (Kanada) respektive Native Americans (USA). Fokuset ligger på olika lagar i respektive land som behandlat och behandlar dessa ursprungsbefolkningar. Ursprungsbefolkningar har diskriminerats genom historien och diskrimineras även idag vilketvi anser är värt att undersöka, då båda länderna idag är ledande inom arbetet kring mänskliga rättigheter. När lagar trätt i kraft har motiveringen varit att det ska gynna och skyddaursprungsbefolkningar, frågan är om det historisk verkligen varit så? Teorierna som valts är andrafiering, samt assimilation i jämförelse med kulturell pluralism och metoden är en innehållsanalys samt en komparativ metod. I denna unders...
The research responds to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action and the United Nations Declar...
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was made among three nation-states, Canada, the Unit...
Det Samiske Folket og Aboriginske Folket har begge vært utsatt for assimilering og undertrykkelser a...
This study compares USA and Swedish laws on Native Americans and Sami. Indigenous peoples are known ...
The intention behind this work is to enable the reader to learn about a wide spectrum of factors sha...
This study considers international norms of indigenous right to land and compares them to Swedish la...
The article examines the policy of Canadian authorities toward the indigenous population (Indian pol...
This paper revises and expands upon a previous paper: Conn, Stephen. (1989). "From Land Rights to S...
The United States and Canada share a common history in their policies toward and legal treatment of ...
The United States and Canada share a common history in their policies toward and legal treatment of ...
This paper explores the special problems that specialists in federal Indian law in the United States...
Sámi law is the law of the Indigenous Sámi people. The territory where Sámi have historically lived ...
Fuelled by contrasting political backdrops, indigenous tribes on opposite sides of what has become t...
This paper examines the relationship between the Government of Canada and First Nations during and a...
Constitutions around the world are being revised. Indigenous Peoples are finally beginning to gain m...
The research responds to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action and the United Nations Declar...
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was made among three nation-states, Canada, the Unit...
Det Samiske Folket og Aboriginske Folket har begge vært utsatt for assimilering og undertrykkelser a...
This study compares USA and Swedish laws on Native Americans and Sami. Indigenous peoples are known ...
The intention behind this work is to enable the reader to learn about a wide spectrum of factors sha...
This study considers international norms of indigenous right to land and compares them to Swedish la...
The article examines the policy of Canadian authorities toward the indigenous population (Indian pol...
This paper revises and expands upon a previous paper: Conn, Stephen. (1989). "From Land Rights to S...
The United States and Canada share a common history in their policies toward and legal treatment of ...
The United States and Canada share a common history in their policies toward and legal treatment of ...
This paper explores the special problems that specialists in federal Indian law in the United States...
Sámi law is the law of the Indigenous Sámi people. The territory where Sámi have historically lived ...
Fuelled by contrasting political backdrops, indigenous tribes on opposite sides of what has become t...
This paper examines the relationship between the Government of Canada and First Nations during and a...
Constitutions around the world are being revised. Indigenous Peoples are finally beginning to gain m...
The research responds to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action and the United Nations Declar...
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was made among three nation-states, Canada, the Unit...
Det Samiske Folket og Aboriginske Folket har begge vært utsatt for assimilering og undertrykkelser a...