Using Radiocarbon to Assess the Abundance, Distribution, and Nature of Labile Organic Carbon in Marine Sediments

  • DeMaster, D.J.
  • Taylor, Richard
  • Smith, Craig R.
  • Isla, Enrique
  • Thomas, C.J.
Publication date
May 2021
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
Global Biogeochemical Cycles


19 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, supporting information Data Availability Statement: Original analytical data from this study have been submitted to the following FAIR-aligned data repository (US Antarctic Program Data Center; Dataset ID: 601319; DOI: 10.15784/601319). However, all of this information is provided in the Supplemental Data section of this paper as well (Tables S1 and S2 and Figure S1)Positive 14C gradients have recently been observed within the surface mixed layer of several continental-margin sediments. The best explanation for these positive 14C gradients is the occurrence and rapid degradation of labile organic carbon (LOC) in the upper 5–10 cm of the seabed. Based on a two-component mo...

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