This study was concerned with determining the effect upon soil structure when the drainage scheme evaporation pond product "high magnesium bitterns" was applied to soils from the Wakool-Tullakool irrigation district, N.S.W, Australia. Two soils were chosen covering the extremes of soil types found in the district. They were; 1. Burraboi Sandy Loam (Gn 2.63) a Calcic Aqiuc Haplustult and, 2. Moulmein Clay (Ug5.24) a Typic Chromoxerert. Laboratory tests were carried out to determine the basic physical and chemical properties of the two soils. Clay mineralogy for the two soils was determined using X- ray diffractometry. Both Na/Ca and Na/Mg cation exchange isotherms were constructed from data obtained using a sequential dialysis eq...