Association projections from cortical pyramidal neurons connect disparate intrahemispheric cortical areas, which are implicated in higher cortical functions. The underlying developmental processes of these association projections, especially the initial phase before reaching the target areas, remain unknown. To visualize developing axons of individual neurons with association projections in the mouse neocortex, we devised a sparse labeling method that combined in utero electroporation and confocal imaging of flattened and optically cleared cortices. Using the promoter of an established callosal neuron marker gene that was expressed in over 80% of L2/3 neurons in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) that project to the primary motor cortex ...
International audienceThe corpus callosum is the largest bundle of commissural fibres that transfer ...
The secondary motor cortex (MOs) plays crucial roles in cognitive and executive processes and has re...
Subplate (SP) neurons are among the earliest-born neurons in the cerebral cortex and heterogeneous i...
Association projections from cortical pyramidal neurons connect disparate intrahemispheric cortical ...
Excitatory cortical neurons project to various subcortical and intracortical regions, and exhibit di...
Excitatory projection neurons of the neocortex are thought to play important roles in perceptual and...
Interconnectivity between neocortical areas is critical for sensory integration and sensorimotor tra...
The main alternative output routes of adult cortical axons are the internal capsule and the corpus c...
<p>Excitatory projection neurons of the neocortex are thought to play important roles in perceptual ...
The motor cortex orchestrates simple to complex motor behaviors through its output projections to ta...
How developing axons in the corpus callosum (CC) achieve their homotopic projection to the contralat...
A precise knowledge of the timing and origin of the first cortical axons to project through the corp...
Neuronal lamination is a characteristic cytoarchitectonic feature of the neocortex and there exists ...
Neocortical areas communicate through extensive axonal projections, but the logic of information tra...
Transcallosal projection neurons are a population of pyramidal excitatory neurons located in layers ...
International audienceThe corpus callosum is the largest bundle of commissural fibres that transfer ...
The secondary motor cortex (MOs) plays crucial roles in cognitive and executive processes and has re...
Subplate (SP) neurons are among the earliest-born neurons in the cerebral cortex and heterogeneous i...
Association projections from cortical pyramidal neurons connect disparate intrahemispheric cortical ...
Excitatory cortical neurons project to various subcortical and intracortical regions, and exhibit di...
Excitatory projection neurons of the neocortex are thought to play important roles in perceptual and...
Interconnectivity between neocortical areas is critical for sensory integration and sensorimotor tra...
The main alternative output routes of adult cortical axons are the internal capsule and the corpus c...
<p>Excitatory projection neurons of the neocortex are thought to play important roles in perceptual ...
The motor cortex orchestrates simple to complex motor behaviors through its output projections to ta...
How developing axons in the corpus callosum (CC) achieve their homotopic projection to the contralat...
A precise knowledge of the timing and origin of the first cortical axons to project through the corp...
Neuronal lamination is a characteristic cytoarchitectonic feature of the neocortex and there exists ...
Neocortical areas communicate through extensive axonal projections, but the logic of information tra...
Transcallosal projection neurons are a population of pyramidal excitatory neurons located in layers ...
International audienceThe corpus callosum is the largest bundle of commissural fibres that transfer ...
The secondary motor cortex (MOs) plays crucial roles in cognitive and executive processes and has re...
Subplate (SP) neurons are among the earliest-born neurons in the cerebral cortex and heterogeneous i...