To monitor the effect of kinesitherapeutic agents on functional disorders in patients with lumbar disc disease due to disc protrusion. Contingent and methods: The study examined 8 patients with vertebral and neurological syndrome after lumbar disc protrusion in the acute stage, who agreed to kinesitherapy at home for a period of 1 month. The effect of the application of kinesitherapeutic agents on the reduction of pain and muscle tone, improvement of the mobility of the spine and control of the peripheral neurological symptoms is evaluated. Applied: postisometric relaxation of m. errector spinae, m. qudratus lumborum and m. iliopsoas, segmental massage, posture treatment, exercises to strengthen weak muscles, relaxation, extension therapy ...
Uvod: Dijabetes melitus (DM) je oboljenje koje poprima karakteristike globalne epidemije. Sve ţešše ...
Summary: Biliary sludge is found in diverse clinical situations but is not well understood. In i...
The paper reports results of the experiments carried out at Fortore (Foggia, South Italy) and Mosina...
Cancerul mucoasei cavităţii bucale reprezintă o problemă actuală a serviciului oncologic din Republi...
Dermatomiozita (DM) este componența miopatiilor infl amatorii idiopatice (MII), consecințele cărora ...
Terrorism, as definitely the most dangerous asymmetrical threat of the 21st century, causes death of...
Uvod: Mikrodiskektomija je jedan od savremenih hirurških metoda u lečenju osoba sa lumbalnim sindrom...
Uvod: Lumbalni bolni sindrom (LBS) podrazumeva tegobe u vidu bolova, u lumbalnom ili lumbosakralnom ...
Takayasu arteritis (TA) is defined as a rare chronic granulomatous panarteritis that classically inv...
USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Catedra Obstetrică şi Ginecologie FECMFThe goal. In this article is disc...
U savremenoj hirurgiji imperativ je da hirurška procedura bude efikasna, ali i da obezbedi kvaliteta...
În pofida tehnicilor avansate de diagnostic o treime dintre ictusurile ischemice rămân a fi fără o c...
Chemical and physico-chemical parameters of marinated and salted Atlantic mackerel (Scomber Scombrus...
Department of General Oncology, Institute of Oncology, Republic of MoldovaCutaneous tumours of mesen...
UVOD: Svetska zdravstvena organizacija definiše farmakovigilancu kao “skup aktivnosti koje se odnose...
Uvod: Dijabetes melitus (DM) je oboljenje koje poprima karakteristike globalne epidemije. Sve ţešše ...
Summary: Biliary sludge is found in diverse clinical situations but is not well understood. In i...
The paper reports results of the experiments carried out at Fortore (Foggia, South Italy) and Mosina...
Cancerul mucoasei cavităţii bucale reprezintă o problemă actuală a serviciului oncologic din Republi...
Dermatomiozita (DM) este componența miopatiilor infl amatorii idiopatice (MII), consecințele cărora ...
Terrorism, as definitely the most dangerous asymmetrical threat of the 21st century, causes death of...
Uvod: Mikrodiskektomija je jedan od savremenih hirurških metoda u lečenju osoba sa lumbalnim sindrom...
Uvod: Lumbalni bolni sindrom (LBS) podrazumeva tegobe u vidu bolova, u lumbalnom ili lumbosakralnom ...
Takayasu arteritis (TA) is defined as a rare chronic granulomatous panarteritis that classically inv...
USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Catedra Obstetrică şi Ginecologie FECMFThe goal. In this article is disc...
U savremenoj hirurgiji imperativ je da hirurška procedura bude efikasna, ali i da obezbedi kvaliteta...
În pofida tehnicilor avansate de diagnostic o treime dintre ictusurile ischemice rămân a fi fără o c...
Chemical and physico-chemical parameters of marinated and salted Atlantic mackerel (Scomber Scombrus...
Department of General Oncology, Institute of Oncology, Republic of MoldovaCutaneous tumours of mesen...
UVOD: Svetska zdravstvena organizacija definiše farmakovigilancu kao “skup aktivnosti koje se odnose...
Uvod: Dijabetes melitus (DM) je oboljenje koje poprima karakteristike globalne epidemije. Sve ţešše ...
Summary: Biliary sludge is found in diverse clinical situations but is not well understood. In i...
The paper reports results of the experiments carried out at Fortore (Foggia, South Italy) and Mosina...