Title: Farmer Community Empowerment in Organic Fertilizers and Pesticides Management from Local Plants in Wolofeo Village, Detusoko District, Ende Regency. The Community in Wolofeo Village, Ende Regency do not yet know the process of organically cultivating plants. Also, they are very dependent on organic fertilizers and pesticides. The purpose of this service is to empower farmers to understand about organic farming and be able to make and use organic fertilizers and pesticides. This activity was carried out for one month, involving 20 students from the University of Flores and 50 farmers. The method used is counseling and training. Counseling has done that is about organic farming and integrated pest and disease control. And training was ...
Pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan menjadi pemantik untuk menggerakkan kegiatan perekonomian rumah...
Mengwi is a village/kelurahan located in Mengwi sub-district, Badung Regency, Bali Region. This vill...
Wongsorejo village have amount of agricultural and livestock potential. Livestock sector were able t...
Camplong II is one of the villages in the Kupang regency dominated by cattle farmers with limited kn...
Some farmers in Baturono Village,Magelang District had shifted their farming practice to organic met...
Selorejo village is famous for its sweet orange picking tours, this is because the majority of Selor...
The empowerment activity was motivated by excessive use of inorganic fertilizers, chemical pesticide...
Farmer dependence at district Banyudono regency Boyolali fertilizer use an-organic in agriculture cu...
Organic agriculture was a cultivation system that applies the concept of sustainable agriculture. Or...
Chili is one of the vegetable commodities that have excellent and promising business opportunities i...
The Sawah Payo Nagari Gunung Rajo farmers group of Batipuh Subdistrict, Tanah Datar Regency has the ...
Abstract. Jaya Tani is a farmer group in Suka Sipilihen Village, Karo Regency. The members of Jaya...
The specific purpose of this activity is to increase the motivation of women in improving the qualit...
One of the commodity centers for shallots and other secondary crops such as cabbage, chilies, tomato...
Kabawetan sub-district is one of the central areas of plantation, agriculture and animal husbandry i...
Pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan menjadi pemantik untuk menggerakkan kegiatan perekonomian rumah...
Mengwi is a village/kelurahan located in Mengwi sub-district, Badung Regency, Bali Region. This vill...
Wongsorejo village have amount of agricultural and livestock potential. Livestock sector were able t...
Camplong II is one of the villages in the Kupang regency dominated by cattle farmers with limited kn...
Some farmers in Baturono Village,Magelang District had shifted their farming practice to organic met...
Selorejo village is famous for its sweet orange picking tours, this is because the majority of Selor...
The empowerment activity was motivated by excessive use of inorganic fertilizers, chemical pesticide...
Farmer dependence at district Banyudono regency Boyolali fertilizer use an-organic in agriculture cu...
Organic agriculture was a cultivation system that applies the concept of sustainable agriculture. Or...
Chili is one of the vegetable commodities that have excellent and promising business opportunities i...
The Sawah Payo Nagari Gunung Rajo farmers group of Batipuh Subdistrict, Tanah Datar Regency has the ...
Abstract. Jaya Tani is a farmer group in Suka Sipilihen Village, Karo Regency. The members of Jaya...
The specific purpose of this activity is to increase the motivation of women in improving the qualit...
One of the commodity centers for shallots and other secondary crops such as cabbage, chilies, tomato...
Kabawetan sub-district is one of the central areas of plantation, agriculture and animal husbandry i...
Pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan menjadi pemantik untuk menggerakkan kegiatan perekonomian rumah...
Mengwi is a village/kelurahan located in Mengwi sub-district, Badung Regency, Bali Region. This vill...
Wongsorejo village have amount of agricultural and livestock potential. Livestock sector were able t...