La iglesia del Cuore Immacolato di Maria (fig. 1) fue proyectada y construida entre 1959 y 1961 por el arquitecto Giovanni Michelucci (1891-1990). Obra modesta, sin excesivas pretensiones visuales ni urbanas desde la propia implantación y su composición de volúmenes, se emplaza en la zona norte de Pistoya (Italia) equipando el barrio Belvedere de bloques residenciales de promoción pública. Esta parroquia se encuentra, dentro de la cadena temporal de trabajos del autor, entre la iglesia de la Beata Maria Vergine en Larderello (1956-58), de factura racional, y la mediática Chiesa dell’Austostrada en Campi Bisenzio (1961-64), de perfil expresionista, siendo el eslabón clave en la evolución del espacio sacro desde su concepción estática hacia l...
The Monteoliveto monastery complex is an extremely compound urban artifact: located in one of the co...
During the 1960’s decade, the city of Concepción, Chile, went through several changes. The impact of...
Il contributo vuole illustrare uno dei risultati emersi dallo scavo all’interno della chiesa di Sant...
Il contributo approfondisce la situazione italiana successiva al Conciclio Vaticano II (1963) e alcu...
This church occupies a square of 35 m side, and there are two functional units, whose main axes are ...
The church of Cristo Re (Fig. 1) in Cagliari, 1952–1963, by G. Genta and S. Panzarasa, is a centrali...
The sanctuary is located 7km east of Foggia in Puglia, in the place where tradition says that in 100...
Han transcurrido diez años desde que la Conferencia Episcopal Italiana abrió el camino a una importa...
L’architettura della fede è un tema che Michele Busiri Vici ha affrontato nella prima metà degli ann...
Designing a church, for an architect, is an extraordinary event. It is not only necessary to perform...
Il volume restituisce il lungo percorso di Giovanni Michelucci attraverso le vicende dell'architettu...
Abstract The Church of St. Mary Immaculate of Longuelo is one of the most interesting and represent...
La renovación litúrgica aprobada durante el Concilio Vaticano II (1962-65) significó una transformac...
Left side chapel, tomb of Francisco Abundio Castellonio Medidianen, detail; Begun 1099, Santa Maria ...
This church in Alba has been designed according to the guidelines issued by the Vatican II Council. ...
The Monteoliveto monastery complex is an extremely compound urban artifact: located in one of the co...
During the 1960’s decade, the city of Concepción, Chile, went through several changes. The impact of...
Il contributo vuole illustrare uno dei risultati emersi dallo scavo all’interno della chiesa di Sant...
Il contributo approfondisce la situazione italiana successiva al Conciclio Vaticano II (1963) e alcu...
This church occupies a square of 35 m side, and there are two functional units, whose main axes are ...
The church of Cristo Re (Fig. 1) in Cagliari, 1952–1963, by G. Genta and S. Panzarasa, is a centrali...
The sanctuary is located 7km east of Foggia in Puglia, in the place where tradition says that in 100...
Han transcurrido diez años desde que la Conferencia Episcopal Italiana abrió el camino a una importa...
L’architettura della fede è un tema che Michele Busiri Vici ha affrontato nella prima metà degli ann...
Designing a church, for an architect, is an extraordinary event. It is not only necessary to perform...
Il volume restituisce il lungo percorso di Giovanni Michelucci attraverso le vicende dell'architettu...
Abstract The Church of St. Mary Immaculate of Longuelo is one of the most interesting and represent...
La renovación litúrgica aprobada durante el Concilio Vaticano II (1962-65) significó una transformac...
Left side chapel, tomb of Francisco Abundio Castellonio Medidianen, detail; Begun 1099, Santa Maria ...
This church in Alba has been designed according to the guidelines issued by the Vatican II Council. ...
The Monteoliveto monastery complex is an extremely compound urban artifact: located in one of the co...
During the 1960’s decade, the city of Concepción, Chile, went through several changes. The impact of...
Il contributo vuole illustrare uno dei risultati emersi dallo scavo all’interno della chiesa di Sant...