Barnevernet kan gjennomføre adopsjoner av fosterbarn uten biologiske foreldres samtykke. Dette representerer en betydelig utøvelse av statlig makt, og norsk rett krever særlig tungtveiende grunner for å tillate adopsjon. Det er også sjelden slike adopsjoner gjøres i Norge. Artikkelen undersøker hvordan befolkningen vurderer adopsjon som barneverntiltak, og om de er på linje med politikerne og retten i dette spørsmålet. Vi har gjennomført en surveyundersøkelse til et representativt utvalg (n = 1000) av den norske befolkningen om synet på barnevernsadopsjon. Resultatene fra studien viser at befolkningen generelt synes å være positive til adopsjon som tiltak i barnevernet, og at politikerne synes å være på linje med befolkningen. Synet på verd...
Through adoption, the state actively contributes to creating families. It therefore also assumes the...
This article studies how three groups of professional decision-makers – child welfare workers, exper...
This essay discusses in a comparative way the Swedish and Norwegian legal system, mainly laws that c...
Barnevernet kan gjennomføre adopsjoner av fosterbarn uten biologiske foreldres samtykke. Dette repre...
This thesis asks how states form and justify policy as guardian of children’s right to protection fr...
If children in child protection cannot be cared for by their natural parents, should they be adopted...
This study is about intercountry adoptions in Norway. The purpose of the study is to bring to light ...
Sverige som land har ingen tradition av att adoptera barn inom samhällsvården, istället har långa fa...
The purpose of our study was to investigate whether national adoptions could be an option within the...
Based on the debate in the media following the SOU (2003:49)-reports different suggestions to streng...
The purpose of this study is to examine factors to why international adoption is seen positive in th...
The aim of this study was to describe how the best interest of the child can be constructed in inves...
Child health care in Sweden is today automatically informed of newborns in the district and itis the...
The purpose of this study was to try to interpret interactions between social worker and adoptive pa...
The purpose of this graduate thesis is to examine how the best interests of the child principle has ...
Through adoption, the state actively contributes to creating families. It therefore also assumes the...
This article studies how three groups of professional decision-makers – child welfare workers, exper...
This essay discusses in a comparative way the Swedish and Norwegian legal system, mainly laws that c...
Barnevernet kan gjennomføre adopsjoner av fosterbarn uten biologiske foreldres samtykke. Dette repre...
This thesis asks how states form and justify policy as guardian of children’s right to protection fr...
If children in child protection cannot be cared for by their natural parents, should they be adopted...
This study is about intercountry adoptions in Norway. The purpose of the study is to bring to light ...
Sverige som land har ingen tradition av att adoptera barn inom samhällsvården, istället har långa fa...
The purpose of our study was to investigate whether national adoptions could be an option within the...
Based on the debate in the media following the SOU (2003:49)-reports different suggestions to streng...
The purpose of this study is to examine factors to why international adoption is seen positive in th...
The aim of this study was to describe how the best interest of the child can be constructed in inves...
Child health care in Sweden is today automatically informed of newborns in the district and itis the...
The purpose of this study was to try to interpret interactions between social worker and adoptive pa...
The purpose of this graduate thesis is to examine how the best interests of the child principle has ...
Through adoption, the state actively contributes to creating families. It therefore also assumes the...
This article studies how three groups of professional decision-makers – child welfare workers, exper...
This essay discusses in a comparative way the Swedish and Norwegian legal system, mainly laws that c...