Den 01.01.2021 trådte den nye kringkastingsloven § 4-7 i kraft. Bestemmelsen gir det norske Medietilsynet kompetanse til å gi pålegg om å hindre markedsføring for pengespill sendt fra andre EØS-land. Avhandlingen tar for seg spørsmålet om lovendringen er i strid med direktiv 2010/13/EU om audiovisuelle medietjenester. En sentral problemstilling er hvor langt spillreklame er omfattet av direktivets prinsipper om fri formidling og senderlandskontroll. Videre er det foretatt en analyse av EU- og EFTA-domstolens praksis, særlig med hensyn til mottakerlandets handlingsrom for inngrep i grenseoverskridende TV-reklame.On January 1st, 2021 the § 4-7 of the Norwegian Broadcasting Act entered into force. This provision gives the Norwegian Media Autho...
Every Member State in Europe has a wide discretionary power to choose which specific restrictive mea...
The purpose of this article is to compare the different regulatory approaches taken by Finland and t...
Sweden currently has two monopolies, one that regulates gambling and one that regulates trade with a...
Den 01.01.23 trer den nye pengespilloven i kraft. Pengespillfeltet har gjennomgått en markant endrin...
Gambling is not a new societal phenomenon. Because of the special nature of the industry, it was exc...
Cross-border commerce involves problems not only in respect of Private Law but also within the field...
Unlike in other Nordic countries, most of the electronic gambling machines (EGMs) are placed outside...
Finland and the Netherlands are both Member States of the European Union. They represent two differe...
Gambling and the national gambling markets has so far not been harmonised through any Community law ...
Sammanfattning EG-fördraget reglerar de grundfriheter varje medlemssats medborgare har rätt till, så...
peer reviewedLa société TVi s’est vue condamnée à 500.000 € d’amende par le Conseil supérieur de l’a...
Í ritgerð þessari er leitast við að svara því hvort 1. gr. laga um söfnunarkassa nr. 73/1994 rúmast ...
Every year the Swedish gambling monopoly serves as a significant source of income for the government...
Increased advertising for gambling services came as an effect of the re-regulation of the Swedish ga...
The free movement of services is a fundamental tenet of the European Union’s Common Market. Gambling...
Every Member State in Europe has a wide discretionary power to choose which specific restrictive mea...
The purpose of this article is to compare the different regulatory approaches taken by Finland and t...
Sweden currently has two monopolies, one that regulates gambling and one that regulates trade with a...
Den 01.01.23 trer den nye pengespilloven i kraft. Pengespillfeltet har gjennomgått en markant endrin...
Gambling is not a new societal phenomenon. Because of the special nature of the industry, it was exc...
Cross-border commerce involves problems not only in respect of Private Law but also within the field...
Unlike in other Nordic countries, most of the electronic gambling machines (EGMs) are placed outside...
Finland and the Netherlands are both Member States of the European Union. They represent two differe...
Gambling and the national gambling markets has so far not been harmonised through any Community law ...
Sammanfattning EG-fördraget reglerar de grundfriheter varje medlemssats medborgare har rätt till, så...
peer reviewedLa société TVi s’est vue condamnée à 500.000 € d’amende par le Conseil supérieur de l’a...
Í ritgerð þessari er leitast við að svara því hvort 1. gr. laga um söfnunarkassa nr. 73/1994 rúmast ...
Every year the Swedish gambling monopoly serves as a significant source of income for the government...
Increased advertising for gambling services came as an effect of the re-regulation of the Swedish ga...
The free movement of services is a fundamental tenet of the European Union’s Common Market. Gambling...
Every Member State in Europe has a wide discretionary power to choose which specific restrictive mea...
The purpose of this article is to compare the different regulatory approaches taken by Finland and t...
Sweden currently has two monopolies, one that regulates gambling and one that regulates trade with a...