In honor of Len Cedarleaf, Pioneer ACPE Certified Educator and former President of ACPE, Inc., this set of theory papers were deemed to be exemplary of quality theory papers written and utilzed by people seeking certification as ACPE Certified Educators
Supervision of spiritual care and therapy is an educational process; it involves a teaching relation...
Dr. Haythorn reflects on the 2020 pandemic and how CPE educators and programs have adjusted, adapted...
Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) is an 80 year old education modality that provides professional ed...
These three position papers were chosen for the Theory Papers of the Year award by a panel of ACPE S...
Ms Callison is an ACPE Certified Candidate. Whe wrote these papers as part of the requirements for c...
This set of theory papers was nominated and selected as the Theory Papers of the Year Award
Grace is the core of my being. Grace helps me accept myself and others as we are. Grace is the basis...
In recent years the practice of CPE supervision has widened to include more adult education theory t...
Beth Naditch's ACPE Theory papers were selected by a panel of readers to be the Theory Papers of the...
Ms Wood wrote this paper to satisfy a requirement for certification as an Associate Certified Educat...
These theory papers all assume the following:1. Presence of a higher power catalyzes trust and deepe...
In this paper I describe my theology of awakening to Spirit within andbecoming an expression of Spir...
Johnson affirms the position that Tartaglia takes in his lead article of the Forum
Three questions shape the reflections in this article. 1) What is best practice in ACPE supervisory ...
The author wrote this paper as one of the three position papers for certification with ACPE. Her rea...
Supervision of spiritual care and therapy is an educational process; it involves a teaching relation...
Dr. Haythorn reflects on the 2020 pandemic and how CPE educators and programs have adjusted, adapted...
Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) is an 80 year old education modality that provides professional ed...
These three position papers were chosen for the Theory Papers of the Year award by a panel of ACPE S...
Ms Callison is an ACPE Certified Candidate. Whe wrote these papers as part of the requirements for c...
This set of theory papers was nominated and selected as the Theory Papers of the Year Award
Grace is the core of my being. Grace helps me accept myself and others as we are. Grace is the basis...
In recent years the practice of CPE supervision has widened to include more adult education theory t...
Beth Naditch's ACPE Theory papers were selected by a panel of readers to be the Theory Papers of the...
Ms Wood wrote this paper to satisfy a requirement for certification as an Associate Certified Educat...
These theory papers all assume the following:1. Presence of a higher power catalyzes trust and deepe...
In this paper I describe my theology of awakening to Spirit within andbecoming an expression of Spir...
Johnson affirms the position that Tartaglia takes in his lead article of the Forum
Three questions shape the reflections in this article. 1) What is best practice in ACPE supervisory ...
The author wrote this paper as one of the three position papers for certification with ACPE. Her rea...
Supervision of spiritual care and therapy is an educational process; it involves a teaching relation...
Dr. Haythorn reflects on the 2020 pandemic and how CPE educators and programs have adjusted, adapted...
Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) is an 80 year old education modality that provides professional ed...