This parchment leaf has full-page framed miniatures on both sides. A group of three men is depicted on each side; all six wear red tunics beneath striped mantles and hold prayer staffs in their left hands. On one side, the men depicted are young with black hair and beards, and hold bound books with crosses on the covers in their right hands. Naming inscriptions in Gəʿəz outside the lower frame identify them as Yaʿəqob, P̣eṭros, and Yoḥannəs — the apostles James, Peter, and John. On the other side, the men depicted are older, and are shown with white hair and long, white beards; they hold small crosses in their right hands. Naming inscriptions to the left of the figures’ heads — Arägawi, Alef, and Afṣe — identify each as an abun, a title us...