This paper compares Spinoza with Daniel Dennett and uncovers a number of striking parallels. Lloyd’s recent work on Spinoza reveals a picture of a philosopher that anticipated many of Dennett’s later ideas. Both share a fervent opposition to Descartes’ conception of mind and body and endorse a strikingly similar naturalist philosophy. It is the goal of this paper to tease out these connections and once again highlight the richness of a Spinozist lens of the world
In my thesis I discuss and criticize the work of three important philosophers: CD. Broad, Gilbert R...
What effects are produced in an encounter between what Gilles Deleuze calls Spinoza’s ‘practical phi...
A study of selected popular literature on Spinoza for the Blackwell Companion to Spinoza
Over the past thirty years, Daniel Clement Dennett has had a major influence on our understanding of...
The mind-body problem is one of the great mysteries. How are my feelings and thoughts related to th...
In this thesis I defend the model of philosophy of mind, which is inspired by my reading of Spinoza`...
This book is comprised of two parts. The first four chapters concentrate on the metaphysics of subst...
The thesis of this dissertation is that Spinoza thinks the human mind is an understanding of the nat...
Benedict de Spinoza is one of the most controversial and enigmatic thinkers in the history of philos...
Kant makes a striking reference to Spinoza in the 1788 Critique of Practical Reason. This chapter be...
Abstract: This metacomment on Dennett’s comment on Sam Harris’s book on free will (or the lack it) e...
In my thesis I discuss and criticize the work of three important philosophers: CD. Broad, Gilbert R...
What effects are produced in an encounter between what Gilles Deleuze calls Spinoza’s ‘practical phi...
A study of selected popular literature on Spinoza for the Blackwell Companion to Spinoza
Over the past thirty years, Daniel Clement Dennett has had a major influence on our understanding of...
The mind-body problem is one of the great mysteries. How are my feelings and thoughts related to th...
In this thesis I defend the model of philosophy of mind, which is inspired by my reading of Spinoza`...
This book is comprised of two parts. The first four chapters concentrate on the metaphysics of subst...
The thesis of this dissertation is that Spinoza thinks the human mind is an understanding of the nat...
Benedict de Spinoza is one of the most controversial and enigmatic thinkers in the history of philos...
Kant makes a striking reference to Spinoza in the 1788 Critique of Practical Reason. This chapter be...
Abstract: This metacomment on Dennett’s comment on Sam Harris’s book on free will (or the lack it) e...
In my thesis I discuss and criticize the work of three important philosophers: CD. Broad, Gilbert R...
What effects are produced in an encounter between what Gilles Deleuze calls Spinoza’s ‘practical phi...
A study of selected popular literature on Spinoza for the Blackwell Companion to Spinoza