Continuing Investigations Of Ortho-para-dependent Pressure Broadening In The &#957;<sub>1</sub> + &#957;<sub>3</sub> Band Of Acetylene

  • Gross, Eisen C.
Publication date
June 2021
International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy


\begin{wrapfigure}{l}{0pt} \includegraphics[scale=0.32]{gamma.eps} \end{wrapfigure} In 2016, Iwakuni et al.\footnotemark[1] measured the $\nu_1 + \nu_3$ vibrational combination band of acetylene using a dual-frequency comb based spectrometer. They reported an alternation in the self-pressure broadening coefficients of even and odd rotational levels, which correspond to the para- and ortho- nuclear spin states. This can occur if relaxation involving resonant energy transfer between molecules with common nuclear spin symmetry is important, because ortho-ortho collisions are statistically more probable than para-para ones. Subsequently several authors\footnotemark[2] \footnotemark[3] have disputed these findings. Our recently published res...

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