International audienceErdialdeko eta mendebaldeko euskalkiek ez bezala, ekialdekoek 1 NZ-hitz/Galdeg...
Artikulu honetan BASYQUE aplikazioa sortzeko jarraitu den metodologia aurkezten da, metodologia horr...
After characterizing the so called possesive genitive as case mark on nominal DP arguments, this art...
In this paper I present some ideas dealing with grammaticalized demonstratives, appearing in some pl...
This paper focuses on the use and non use of the so called Basque definite article -a in eastern dia...
This paper deals with some aspects of the Basque definite article. The first part is devoted to som...
The historical situation of diglossia in the Basque society cause Basque language was strongly but n...
International audienceArtikulu honetan Lardizabalen gramatika aztertzen da ("Gramática Vascongada", ...
Harrieten gramatikako (1741) hiztegi bien arteko erlazioa berrikusia, azterketa formalak emandako da...
2011ko abenduaren 16an, Euskaltzaindiak Agosti Xahoren omenezko jardunaldia egin zuen Baionan, haren...
In this paper I try to explain how the so called "theory of the only verb" was formulated and used b...
[EUS] Artikulu honek euskal literaturak eman dituen egile nagusien parametro soziolinguistikoen egu...
In this paper I present a critical edition of a short song written in Basque. It is a well known com...
ASJU aldizkarian agertzekoThis paper outlines Darrigol's Basque grammar (1827). First, the structure...
Euskarazko diskurtso-markatzaileen hiztegia egiteko proiektu zabalago baten barruan kokatzen den la...
International audienceErdialdeko eta mendebaldeko euskalkiek ez bezala, ekialdekoek 1 NZ-hitz/Galdeg...
Artikulu honetan BASYQUE aplikazioa sortzeko jarraitu den metodologia aurkezten da, metodologia horr...
After characterizing the so called possesive genitive as case mark on nominal DP arguments, this art...
In this paper I present some ideas dealing with grammaticalized demonstratives, appearing in some pl...
This paper focuses on the use and non use of the so called Basque definite article -a in eastern dia...
This paper deals with some aspects of the Basque definite article. The first part is devoted to som...
The historical situation of diglossia in the Basque society cause Basque language was strongly but n...
International audienceArtikulu honetan Lardizabalen gramatika aztertzen da ("Gramática Vascongada", ...
Harrieten gramatikako (1741) hiztegi bien arteko erlazioa berrikusia, azterketa formalak emandako da...
2011ko abenduaren 16an, Euskaltzaindiak Agosti Xahoren omenezko jardunaldia egin zuen Baionan, haren...
In this paper I try to explain how the so called "theory of the only verb" was formulated and used b...
[EUS] Artikulu honek euskal literaturak eman dituen egile nagusien parametro soziolinguistikoen egu...
In this paper I present a critical edition of a short song written in Basque. It is a well known com...
ASJU aldizkarian agertzekoThis paper outlines Darrigol's Basque grammar (1827). First, the structure...
Euskarazko diskurtso-markatzaileen hiztegia egiteko proiektu zabalago baten barruan kokatzen den la...
International audienceErdialdeko eta mendebaldeko euskalkiek ez bezala, ekialdekoek 1 NZ-hitz/Galdeg...
Artikulu honetan BASYQUE aplikazioa sortzeko jarraitu den metodologia aurkezten da, metodologia horr...
After characterizing the so called possesive genitive as case mark on nominal DP arguments, this art...