Seagrass Condition at Some Small Islands in The Taka Bonerate National Marine Park, South Sulawesi Indonesia

  • Supriyadi, Indarto Happy
  • Cappenberg, Hendrik Alexander William
  • Wouthuyzen, Sam
  • Hafizt, Muhammad
  • Rahmawati, Susi
  • Alifatri, La Ode
  • Suyarso, Suyarso
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Publication date
September 2021
Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research and Development


The assessment of seagrass bed condition in Indonesia still refers to the Decree of the State Minister for the Environment (KMNLH) no. 200 of 2004, which considers only one variable, namely the percentage of seagrass cover. To assess the seagrass beds condition to be more in-depth and meaningful, it is necessary to consider the addition of several variables, such as the biotic variables (seagrass species diversity including macroalgae and macro-benthos components) as well as the abiotic variables (reef flat areas and the substrate components). The purpose of this study is to determine the seagrass beds condition in several small islands in the Taka Bonerate National Marine Park by considering the additional analysis using both biotic and ab...

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