Continuous-discrete systems can occur when the plant state evolves in continuous time but the output values are only available at discrete instants. Continuous-discrete observers have the valuable property that the observation error between the true state of the system and the observer state converges to zero in a uniform way. The design of continuous-discrete observers can often be done by building framers, which provide componentwise upper and lower bounds for the plant state. This paper is a tutorial on these approaches, highlighting recent results in the literature, and also providing previously unpublished, original results which are not being simultaneously submitted elsewhere
AbstractIn many engineering control problems, the output measurements are discrete-time ones. In thi...
We review the main design techniques of state observer design for continuous-time dynamical systems,...
This paper concerns observers design for Lipschitz nonlinear systems with sampled output. Using reac...
International audienceContinuous-discrete systems can occur when the plant state evolves in continuo...
International audienceWe present a new design for continuous-discrete observers for a large class of...
We present a new design for continuous-discrete observers for a large class of continuous time nonli...
We study two broad classes of nonlinear time-varying continuous-time systems with outputs. For the f...
International audienceIn this preliminary work an adaptive observer for continuous-discrete systems ...
This paper is the long version of a published paper in Automatica (and presented to NOLCOS 2013). Th...
We provide continuous-discrete sequential observers for linear systems with input delays, sampling i...
International audienceWe study two broad classes of nonlinear time-varying continuous time systems w...
Observer synthesis for discrete-time nonlinear systems with special applications to parameter estima...
International audienceWe consider continuous-time linear systems with additive disturbances and disc...
International audienceFor nonlinear continuous-time systems with continuous measurements of the outp...
International audienceWe provide novel reduced-order observer designs for continuous-time nonlinear ...
AbstractIn many engineering control problems, the output measurements are discrete-time ones. In thi...
We review the main design techniques of state observer design for continuous-time dynamical systems,...
This paper concerns observers design for Lipschitz nonlinear systems with sampled output. Using reac...
International audienceContinuous-discrete systems can occur when the plant state evolves in continuo...
International audienceWe present a new design for continuous-discrete observers for a large class of...
We present a new design for continuous-discrete observers for a large class of continuous time nonli...
We study two broad classes of nonlinear time-varying continuous-time systems with outputs. For the f...
International audienceIn this preliminary work an adaptive observer for continuous-discrete systems ...
This paper is the long version of a published paper in Automatica (and presented to NOLCOS 2013). Th...
We provide continuous-discrete sequential observers for linear systems with input delays, sampling i...
International audienceWe study two broad classes of nonlinear time-varying continuous time systems w...
Observer synthesis for discrete-time nonlinear systems with special applications to parameter estima...
International audienceWe consider continuous-time linear systems with additive disturbances and disc...
International audienceFor nonlinear continuous-time systems with continuous measurements of the outp...
International audienceWe provide novel reduced-order observer designs for continuous-time nonlinear ...
AbstractIn many engineering control problems, the output measurements are discrete-time ones. In thi...
We review the main design techniques of state observer design for continuous-time dynamical systems,...
This paper concerns observers design for Lipschitz nonlinear systems with sampled output. Using reac...