Background - Trials of acupuncture in the West began before textbooks about acupuncture were generally available. This placed trials at risk of possible faulty assumptions about the practice of acupuncture and adoption of problematic research assumptions and methods. Further, this lack of information has had an influence on the theories of developing a valid and reliable sham control treatment in clinical trials of acupuncture. This commentary explores these issues. Methods - Literature review focussing on the time line of developments in the field, developments of sham interventions and use thereof and knowledge of physiological effects of needling. Results - Early trials demonstrated a lack of knowledge about acupuncture. As the methodo...
Objectives: Qualitative research has an important part to play in investigating how complex interven...
An increasing number of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of acupuncture have proved the clinical ...
Background: Randomised controlled trials of acupuncture performed using sham interventions to contr...
Background: Trials of acupuncture in the West began before textbooks about acupuncture were generall...
Since acupuncture came to western countries,research has been done to try and prove whether or not i...
Introduction: Sham acupuncture was developed to be used as an inert control intervention in clinical...
Sham acupuncture should have two distinct features: first, it must be morphologically similar to ver...
To explore the commonly utilized sham acupressure procedures in existing acupressure trials, and to ...
To explore the commonly utilized sham acupressure procedures in existing acupressure trials, and to ...
W ith some initial successes to fuel interest, acu-puncture research in the West is increasingly at-...
Objectives To explore the commonly utilized sham acupressure procedures in existing acupressure tri-...
In November 2007, the Society for Acupuncture Research (SAR) held an international symposium to mark...
Acupuncture is growing in popularity world-wide. Acupuncture and related techniques are useful tools...
Abstract Background Acupuncture can be described as a complex intervention. In reports of clinical t...
In November 2007, the Society for Acupuncture Research (SAR) held an international symposium to mark...
Objectives: Qualitative research has an important part to play in investigating how complex interven...
An increasing number of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of acupuncture have proved the clinical ...
Background: Randomised controlled trials of acupuncture performed using sham interventions to contr...
Background: Trials of acupuncture in the West began before textbooks about acupuncture were generall...
Since acupuncture came to western countries,research has been done to try and prove whether or not i...
Introduction: Sham acupuncture was developed to be used as an inert control intervention in clinical...
Sham acupuncture should have two distinct features: first, it must be morphologically similar to ver...
To explore the commonly utilized sham acupressure procedures in existing acupressure trials, and to ...
To explore the commonly utilized sham acupressure procedures in existing acupressure trials, and to ...
W ith some initial successes to fuel interest, acu-puncture research in the West is increasingly at-...
Objectives To explore the commonly utilized sham acupressure procedures in existing acupressure tri-...
In November 2007, the Society for Acupuncture Research (SAR) held an international symposium to mark...
Acupuncture is growing in popularity world-wide. Acupuncture and related techniques are useful tools...
Abstract Background Acupuncture can be described as a complex intervention. In reports of clinical t...
In November 2007, the Society for Acupuncture Research (SAR) held an international symposium to mark...
Objectives: Qualitative research has an important part to play in investigating how complex interven...
An increasing number of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of acupuncture have proved the clinical ...
Background: Randomised controlled trials of acupuncture performed using sham interventions to contr...