We live in a fluid and mobile world, where rapid changes in our lives may suddenly occur. This is the case also for many people living in families. Family breakups are rather commonplace these days, being events usually representing major implications for all the family members affected by the changed living conditions, most often also meaning a change of residence, homestead and place. Such implications are particularly visible with the children affected by the breakups, whose lives now either have to be shared with only one parent, or to be shared between the two parents. In Norway the most common childcare arrangement after a divorce is that one of the parents gets the primary care responsibility, most commonly the mother. In a survey fr...
The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the knowledge about out-of-home care for children under t...
none3siOne of the most obvious consequences of divorce is the moving out of one or both ex‐partners ...
Joint physical custody (JPC) refers to children living alternatively and about equally with both par...
We live in a fluid and mobile world, where rapid changes in our lives may suddenly occur. This is th...
Abstract: In spite of more symmetric parental roles in couples, shared residence is still practiced...
The break up of the family unit leads to new living arrangements and significant changes for childre...
The purpose of this master’s thesis is to explore what housing means for parenthood. Questions raise...
Over the past decades, the ways in which children’s care is arranged after parental separation have ...
Shared residence for children has increased considerably in recent years among parents living apart ...
Aim: Joint physical custody, children spending equal time in each parents’ respective home after a p...
Over the last decade there has been a dramatic increase in shared residence for children among paren...
Where do I belong? It is a question that is relevant to everyone, but especially for youth growing u...
Across Europe, increasing numbers of children are commuting between the homes of their mother and fa...
First published: 21 February 2018One of the most obvious consequences of divorce is the moving out o...
As union dissolution rates increase in most modern societies, a growing number of children are livin...
The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the knowledge about out-of-home care for children under t...
none3siOne of the most obvious consequences of divorce is the moving out of one or both ex‐partners ...
Joint physical custody (JPC) refers to children living alternatively and about equally with both par...
We live in a fluid and mobile world, where rapid changes in our lives may suddenly occur. This is th...
Abstract: In spite of more symmetric parental roles in couples, shared residence is still practiced...
The break up of the family unit leads to new living arrangements and significant changes for childre...
The purpose of this master’s thesis is to explore what housing means for parenthood. Questions raise...
Over the past decades, the ways in which children’s care is arranged after parental separation have ...
Shared residence for children has increased considerably in recent years among parents living apart ...
Aim: Joint physical custody, children spending equal time in each parents’ respective home after a p...
Over the last decade there has been a dramatic increase in shared residence for children among paren...
Where do I belong? It is a question that is relevant to everyone, but especially for youth growing u...
Across Europe, increasing numbers of children are commuting between the homes of their mother and fa...
First published: 21 February 2018One of the most obvious consequences of divorce is the moving out o...
As union dissolution rates increase in most modern societies, a growing number of children are livin...
The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the knowledge about out-of-home care for children under t...
none3siOne of the most obvious consequences of divorce is the moving out of one or both ex‐partners ...
Joint physical custody (JPC) refers to children living alternatively and about equally with both par...