Japanese animation, popularly referred to as ‘anime’, has recently experienced a shift in North American consumer contexts from its initial scarcity in overseas markets to its overwhelming presence online and in physical spaces. With streaming services such as Crunchyroll (an anime-specific streaming service) and Netflix’s selection of anime increasing its availability outside of Japan over the past decade, North American viewers are now able to interact with anime through heavily connected digital landscapes (Annett 6). As a result of this globalized viewership, an emergent subgenre of anime has formed, which I term “anime fan-oriented works.” In such works, North American anime fans become the target audience of North American-created mat...
This project explores the widespread popularity and impact of anime on Japanese culture. In my resea...
This study attempts to understand the perception of anime fans among the university students on the...
The transcultural consumption of Japan-derived popular media has prompted a significant amount of ac...
Japanese animation (anime) is recognizable to a great proportion of the adolescent population in the...
This paper serves as a case study of Japanese animation, commonly referred to in the Unites States a...
Anime (Japanese Animation) is an example of transmission of a postmodern popular culture artefact. ...
Japanese animation, known as anime by those in and out of Japan has made significant inroads into th...
Japanese popular culture, especially anime (cartoons) and manga (comics) have surged in populari...
This article examines ethnographically the production of anime (Japanese animated films and TV shows...
: This research paper will primarily discuss the impact that Japanese animation and manga have had o...
Anime Studies: Media-Specific Approaches to Neon Genesis Evangelion aims at advancing the study of a...
Anime is a complex medium that is expanding at a rapid rate on a global scale. It inspires fandoms, ...
The satellite TV revolution in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the early 1990s precipitated the pr...
When talking about manga, we are typically referring to Japanese comics. The term is often mistaken ...
Manga is from Japanese for comics or whimsical images. Manga grow from combining of Ukiyo-e and from...
This project explores the widespread popularity and impact of anime on Japanese culture. In my resea...
This study attempts to understand the perception of anime fans among the university students on the...
The transcultural consumption of Japan-derived popular media has prompted a significant amount of ac...
Japanese animation (anime) is recognizable to a great proportion of the adolescent population in the...
This paper serves as a case study of Japanese animation, commonly referred to in the Unites States a...
Anime (Japanese Animation) is an example of transmission of a postmodern popular culture artefact. ...
Japanese animation, known as anime by those in and out of Japan has made significant inroads into th...
Japanese popular culture, especially anime (cartoons) and manga (comics) have surged in populari...
This article examines ethnographically the production of anime (Japanese animated films and TV shows...
: This research paper will primarily discuss the impact that Japanese animation and manga have had o...
Anime Studies: Media-Specific Approaches to Neon Genesis Evangelion aims at advancing the study of a...
Anime is a complex medium that is expanding at a rapid rate on a global scale. It inspires fandoms, ...
The satellite TV revolution in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the early 1990s precipitated the pr...
When talking about manga, we are typically referring to Japanese comics. The term is often mistaken ...
Manga is from Japanese for comics or whimsical images. Manga grow from combining of Ukiyo-e and from...
This project explores the widespread popularity and impact of anime on Japanese culture. In my resea...
This study attempts to understand the perception of anime fans among the university students on the...
The transcultural consumption of Japan-derived popular media has prompted a significant amount of ac...