Fueled by increasingly punitive approaches to student behavior such as "zero tolerance policies," th...
School-based law enforcement (SBLE) have become increasingly common in U.S. schools over recent deca...
Recent data indicate that the majority of schools now have regular contact with law enforcement offi...
School violence is so much more than the shootings that pelage our news feeds. Teachers and school a...
Discusses the increase of violence in the public school system between 1970-1993 and it cause
The implementation of school resource officer programs has been a popular response to school-based v...
The implementation of school resource officer programs has been a popular response to school-based v...
In response to the mass school shootings of the mid-1990s and public perception that violence in sch...
A recent event that occurred in a South Carolina classroom illustrates why there should be concern a...
Examines the effects of workplace and school violence has on students and the educational process
The role of police on school campus is evolving. The author suggests that many schools are using po...
Access to thesis restricted until 05/2022Daily incidents of crime and violence occur across all type...
Identifies the benefits of having school district police instead of a designated officer from the lo...
Examines the benefits of school resource officers to both the schools and the law enforcement agenci...
The purpose of this study was to collect information on violence from a sampling of Texas school and...
Fueled by increasingly punitive approaches to student behavior such as "zero tolerance policies," th...
School-based law enforcement (SBLE) have become increasingly common in U.S. schools over recent deca...
Recent data indicate that the majority of schools now have regular contact with law enforcement offi...
School violence is so much more than the shootings that pelage our news feeds. Teachers and school a...
Discusses the increase of violence in the public school system between 1970-1993 and it cause
The implementation of school resource officer programs has been a popular response to school-based v...
The implementation of school resource officer programs has been a popular response to school-based v...
In response to the mass school shootings of the mid-1990s and public perception that violence in sch...
A recent event that occurred in a South Carolina classroom illustrates why there should be concern a...
Examines the effects of workplace and school violence has on students and the educational process
The role of police on school campus is evolving. The author suggests that many schools are using po...
Access to thesis restricted until 05/2022Daily incidents of crime and violence occur across all type...
Identifies the benefits of having school district police instead of a designated officer from the lo...
Examines the benefits of school resource officers to both the schools and the law enforcement agenci...
The purpose of this study was to collect information on violence from a sampling of Texas school and...
Fueled by increasingly punitive approaches to student behavior such as "zero tolerance policies," th...
School-based law enforcement (SBLE) have become increasingly common in U.S. schools over recent deca...
Recent data indicate that the majority of schools now have regular contact with law enforcement offi...