Meditation is a mind-body practice in complementary and alternative medicine. The words become more widely used now days. The term meditation refers to a group of techniques, such as mantra meditation, Zen Buddhist meditation. Most meditative techniques started in Eastern religious or spiritual traditions. The practice of meditation originated in the ancient Vedic times of India. According to Vedic science, meditation is to connect oneself to one’s deep inner self. This article describes the types and process of meditation and aims to shed light on deeper understanding of on underlying beneficial effects associated with meditation in mind illness
Heart diseases especially Hypertension, Coronary Artery Diseases (CAD) and stroke are the leading ca...
Recommended Citation: Ramasubramanian, S. (2021). CIH (Complementary and Integrative Healthcare): Mi...
Meditation and yoga both have positive effects on physical, as well as mental health. Om mantra chan...
Meditation and yoga have become so popular that we not only started devising new interventions bas...
Introduction: Meditation can include any kind of practices during practitioners can calm their mind...
Meditation is the seventh of the eight limbs of Yoga in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, is also called as D...
Meditation comes from religion ritual basically, and then it goes to science domain, especially in p...
Medical science is already started to spread various effects of meditation on the brain using differ...
There has been a surge in popularity of meditation in medical research. Meditation is being consider...
In this essay, the phenomenon and the concept "meditation" are treated. Meditation is a mental train...
Meditation comes from religion ritual basically, and then it goes to science domain, especially in p...
This thesis attempts to contribute to the ongoing investigation of the relationship between meditati...
The effects of meditation are explored in the context of treatment applied for various maladies. The...
Web of causation of diseases are well narrated in Ayurveda classics. Intellectual error is identifie...
Background: Mindfulness may be viewed as a supra-cognitive state of consciousness focussed on the de...
Heart diseases especially Hypertension, Coronary Artery Diseases (CAD) and stroke are the leading ca...
Recommended Citation: Ramasubramanian, S. (2021). CIH (Complementary and Integrative Healthcare): Mi...
Meditation and yoga both have positive effects on physical, as well as mental health. Om mantra chan...
Meditation and yoga have become so popular that we not only started devising new interventions bas...
Introduction: Meditation can include any kind of practices during practitioners can calm their mind...
Meditation is the seventh of the eight limbs of Yoga in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, is also called as D...
Meditation comes from religion ritual basically, and then it goes to science domain, especially in p...
Medical science is already started to spread various effects of meditation on the brain using differ...
There has been a surge in popularity of meditation in medical research. Meditation is being consider...
In this essay, the phenomenon and the concept "meditation" are treated. Meditation is a mental train...
Meditation comes from religion ritual basically, and then it goes to science domain, especially in p...
This thesis attempts to contribute to the ongoing investigation of the relationship between meditati...
The effects of meditation are explored in the context of treatment applied for various maladies. The...
Web of causation of diseases are well narrated in Ayurveda classics. Intellectual error is identifie...
Background: Mindfulness may be viewed as a supra-cognitive state of consciousness focussed on the de...
Heart diseases especially Hypertension, Coronary Artery Diseases (CAD) and stroke are the leading ca...
Recommended Citation: Ramasubramanian, S. (2021). CIH (Complementary and Integrative Healthcare): Mi...
Meditation and yoga both have positive effects on physical, as well as mental health. Om mantra chan...