The research titled “Perception of Female Teachers Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Albarokah Pekanbaru Againts Wardah Cosmetik Ads On Televison”. Television is a vehicle where the advertisers always want to use broadcast media to sell a products whut the intention of making anyone who saw the ad products are interested in using the product. Besides television is also a measure of the mass media that most devoteas, because by television viwers can see and hear directly the information aired thus providing convenience to absorb information at present. In this research using qualitative methods. Data collection techniques using interview and documentation. The informants were 8 people, where 8 people informant was a female teachers working at the school...
Beragam kosmetik yang ada dipasaran untuk memenuhi kebutuhan wanita dalam mempercantik diri, menjadi...
Perception is actually formed from the process of absorbing messages received by the five senses and...
The purpose of this study is to study the impact of cosmetic advertisement in television among stude...
The role of women in Wardah adverstisments on television is described as independent through activit...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) Untuk mengetahui Persepsi Dosen dan Karyawan UINSU terhadap Iklan P...
Perception is a stimulus that is perceived by the individual, organized and then interpreted so that...
ABSTRACT Television is a media to advertise both products and services, through the advertising it ...
Television has become an effective medium to educate and provide information to the public but misus...
This study aims to analyzing the influence of television advertisement on the housewives attitude to...
Advertising is a form of communication which is used to attract potential customers to ...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan apakah ada pengaruh iklan televisi dan citra merek terhada...
Television that has the greatest potential for our lives. This happens because the power of audiovis...
Women occupy a secondary position appear in television journalism mainly through advertising channel...
Television programs present something to be liked. In addition, it must also give a message that bri...
The purpose of this study is to find out how the "Serambi Islami" da'wah program on TVRI is from the...
Beragam kosmetik yang ada dipasaran untuk memenuhi kebutuhan wanita dalam mempercantik diri, menjadi...
Perception is actually formed from the process of absorbing messages received by the five senses and...
The purpose of this study is to study the impact of cosmetic advertisement in television among stude...
The role of women in Wardah adverstisments on television is described as independent through activit...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) Untuk mengetahui Persepsi Dosen dan Karyawan UINSU terhadap Iklan P...
Perception is a stimulus that is perceived by the individual, organized and then interpreted so that...
ABSTRACT Television is a media to advertise both products and services, through the advertising it ...
Television has become an effective medium to educate and provide information to the public but misus...
This study aims to analyzing the influence of television advertisement on the housewives attitude to...
Advertising is a form of communication which is used to attract potential customers to ...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan apakah ada pengaruh iklan televisi dan citra merek terhada...
Television that has the greatest potential for our lives. This happens because the power of audiovis...
Women occupy a secondary position appear in television journalism mainly through advertising channel...
Television programs present something to be liked. In addition, it must also give a message that bri...
The purpose of this study is to find out how the "Serambi Islami" da'wah program on TVRI is from the...
Beragam kosmetik yang ada dipasaran untuk memenuhi kebutuhan wanita dalam mempercantik diri, menjadi...
Perception is actually formed from the process of absorbing messages received by the five senses and...
The purpose of this study is to study the impact of cosmetic advertisement in television among stude...