Idiolecte, ethos, point de vue: la représentation du discours de l'autre dans le discours d'ego

  • Rabatel, Alain
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Publication date
January 2005
Montpellier : Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2006-


Idiolect and re-presentation of others' speech in one's own speech After reviewing structuralist and communicative approaches to the notion of idiolect, the article proposes an enunciative-interactional analysis of idiolect as the re-presentation of the idiolected (the speaker who is the subject of idiolectal treatment) by an idiolecter (the speaker agent of this treatment). These two roles can be filled by two different speakers, but they can also concern the same speaker. The idiolect consists of a group, judged to be typical, of linguistic features and encyclopedic data concerning a speaker. In this sense, the idiolect, deeply dialogical, only exists through and in the gaze of others. Idiolectal re-presentation can take on continuous or ...

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