Cutis verticis Gyrata

  • Ogunbiyi, AO
  • Falodun, L
Publication date
February 2010
African Journals Online (AJOL)


Objective: To report and discuss Cutis verticis Gyrate, a rare disorder of the scalp which occurs mainly in men.Method:We report the case of 30 years old man who presented with folds and furrows on his scalp which started at the age of twelve. The folds were asymptomatic, however patient was worried as it appeared to be progressive.Observations: The patient had convoluted folds and furrows located anterior posterioly on the scalp. Therewas no associated hair loss or pigmentary changes. Neurological and apthalmological examinations were found to be within normal limits.Adiagnosis of primary non essential cutis verticis gyrate was made.Conclusion: Cutis verticis gyrate is a rare disorder of the scalp due to thickening of the scalp. It may be ...

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