Book Title: Accountability in Extraterritoriality, a Comparative and International Law PerspectiveBook Author: Danielle Ireland-Piper(2017 Edward Elgar, UK). ISBN 978-1-78643-177-6.
It could easily be argued that the most important topic in internationallaw is the law of remedies. ...
If one were to affix a label to the first decade of work by the UN International Law Commission in t...
International Business Ethics: Challenges and Approaches Georges Enderle (Editor) Notre Dame, Indian...
This contribution provides a short overview of the book by Danielle Ireland-Piper on accountability ...
International audienceCheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2017. - 208 p. - ISBN : 978178643177
Ireland-Piper (D.). Accountability in Extraterritoriality. A Comparative and International Law Persp...
This contribution provides a short overview of the book by Danielle Ireland-Piper on accountability ...
This is a book review. Thus, the entry reviews the book mentioned in the title. It offers some criti...
Book review of THE CONCEPT OF CUSTOM IN INTERNATIONAL LAW, by Anthony A. D\u27Amato (Ithaca, NY: Cor...
Book Title: Laws against Strikes – The South African Experience in an International and Comparative ...
This is a book review of Jiří Přibáň, Legal Symbolism: On Law, Time and European Identity, Ashgate, ...
Recensione all'opera collettanea "The External Dimension of EU Agencies and Bodies. Law and Policy",...
Book Title: Corruption and Human Rights Law in AfricaBook Author: Olaniyan K(2016 Hart Publishing, O...
Edward Chukwuemeke Okeke: Jurisdictional Immunities of States and International Organizations, Oxfor...
To tour the world while examining the various claims to sovereignty over virtually every inch, one m...
It could easily be argued that the most important topic in internationallaw is the law of remedies. ...
If one were to affix a label to the first decade of work by the UN International Law Commission in t...
International Business Ethics: Challenges and Approaches Georges Enderle (Editor) Notre Dame, Indian...
This contribution provides a short overview of the book by Danielle Ireland-Piper on accountability ...
International audienceCheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2017. - 208 p. - ISBN : 978178643177
Ireland-Piper (D.). Accountability in Extraterritoriality. A Comparative and International Law Persp...
This contribution provides a short overview of the book by Danielle Ireland-Piper on accountability ...
This is a book review. Thus, the entry reviews the book mentioned in the title. It offers some criti...
Book review of THE CONCEPT OF CUSTOM IN INTERNATIONAL LAW, by Anthony A. D\u27Amato (Ithaca, NY: Cor...
Book Title: Laws against Strikes – The South African Experience in an International and Comparative ...
This is a book review of Jiří Přibáň, Legal Symbolism: On Law, Time and European Identity, Ashgate, ...
Recensione all'opera collettanea "The External Dimension of EU Agencies and Bodies. Law and Policy",...
Book Title: Corruption and Human Rights Law in AfricaBook Author: Olaniyan K(2016 Hart Publishing, O...
Edward Chukwuemeke Okeke: Jurisdictional Immunities of States and International Organizations, Oxfor...
To tour the world while examining the various claims to sovereignty over virtually every inch, one m...
It could easily be argued that the most important topic in internationallaw is the law of remedies. ...
If one were to affix a label to the first decade of work by the UN International Law Commission in t...
International Business Ethics: Challenges and Approaches Georges Enderle (Editor) Notre Dame, Indian...