Stimulation of reserpine biosynthesis in the callus of Rauvolfia tetraphylla L. by precursor feeding

  • Anitha, S
  • Ranjitha, B D
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Publication date
June 2016
African Journals Online (AJOL)


Reserpine is an important indole alkaloid that is used to treat hypertension and various psychiatric diseases by acting as a tranquilizing agent. In pharmaceutical industries, reserpine is in great demand. Chemical synthesis of reserpine is costlier than extracting it from natural resources. So enhancing this alkaloid in the already available system is a beneficial approach. Tryptophan is the starting material in the biosynthesis of reserpine. Callus was induced from leaf explants of Rauvolfia tetraphylla L. on MS medium supplemented with the combination of 9 μM 2,4-D and 25, 50, 75 and 100 mg/l tryptophan. An increase in the reserpine content was observed at 50 mg/l tryptophan than in other concentrations.Key words: Callus, MS medium, Rauv...

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