Iliacus abscess with radiculopathy mimicking herniated nucleus pulposus: Aadditional diagnostic value of magnetic resonance imaging

  • Kim, D.H.
  • Woo, S.H.
  • Lee, W.J.
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Publication date
March 2017
African Journals Online (AJOL)


An iliacus abscess is an extremely rare cause of low back pain. With an iliacus abscess, the classical signs seen with a psoas abscess are frequently absent. Therefore, a timely diagnosis at the initial visit is difficult and inadequate treatment usually results in high mortality. Here, we report the case of 19-year-old man who presented with acute low back pain with radiculopathy and was ultimately diagnosed with an iliacus muscle abscess.Keywords: Low back pain, Radiculopathy, Iliacus muscle, Abscess, Magnetic resonance imagin

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