May-Thurner Syndrome

  • Droege, Ashley
Publication date
September 2021
Digital Showcase @ University of Lynchburg


May-Thurner Syndrome (MTS) is an anatomical and pathological variant that is recognized as a frequent cause of lower extremity swelling and is a precipitating factor for thromboembolism.1 May, and Thurner first described the MTS anatomy in 1957,6 an anatomical variant thought to be present at birth caused by the compression of the left iliofemoral vein by the right common iliac artery after it originated from the abdominal aorta but before the iliofemoral junction.3,5 MTS is thought to cause 2%-5% of all DVTs, but it is thought that could be much higher as the prevalence of MTS is not well known and often not considered when diagnosing a DVT.5 It is essential that MTS be known as DVTs are a major preventable cause of morbidity and when asso...

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