Υβριδικό υπολογιστικό πλαίσιο προσομοίωσης αλληλεπιδράσεων πλάσματος-επιφανειακής τραχύτητας σε πολυμερικά υποστρώματα

  • Memos, Georgios
  • Μέμος, Γεώργιος
Publication date
January 2021
Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων


Plasma induces micro/nano roughness on the surface of the polymeric substrates, a factor that has major importance in the surface properties (e.g. wetting behavior, interaction of surfaces with cells). Toward the comprehension and, finally, the control of plasma induced surface roughness, in this dissertation, plasma-surface interactions of rough polymeric substrates are studied from a computational point of view. A hybrid modeling framework, coupling stochastic and deterministic modules, for profile evolution of unconventional, rough polymeric surfaces under plasma etching is developed. To model the temporal evolution of a surface over a short time interval, the framework mainly implements the following three steps: (1) it calculates the f...

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