Reproduced from scans originally created and graciously provided by Rev. Paul Beyerl of the Rowan Tree Church. UUID: 3C7D4DAD-B789-4DE3-8738-8CCF5A311789 Keywords: Antiquities; Astrology; Divining (Dowsing); Horoscopes; Leys; Mythology; Neopaganism; Occultism; Paganism; Parapsychology; Shamanism; Spiritualism; Tart; Astrology This item is free and open source. It is part of the Rowan Tree Church Periodical Collection of the New Age Movements, Occultism, and Spiritualism Research Library at Odum at Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections. If you have any questions or concerns contact These electronic records were scanned from the original works and donated to the Valdosta State Un...