Neste artigo trazemos os resultados iniciais de uma pesquisa que busca compreender o papel da automa??o de locu??o atrav?s do uso de voz sintetizada sem grava??o humana no r?dio musical. Discutimos, ent?o, o papel da tecnologia e da automa??o no r?dio para depois nos aproximarmos, atrav?s de um olhar te?rico, da apresenta??o de exemplos e da discuss?o de tend?ncias, deste fen?meno comunicacional. Olhamos para o objeto a partir das discuss?es de inova??o, preponderantemente do debate sobre ado??o de inova??o apresentado por Rogers (1983).In this article we present the initial results of a research that seeks to understand the role of speech automation through the use of synthesized voice without human recording in the musical radio. We ...
This article aims to show the current knowledge of radiophonic research in Brazil. Thus, we start f...
This paper reflects about the interactivity on the radio in the context of convergence, based on the...
The New Technologies of Information and Communication brought new circumstances to recovering radio’...
O presente artigo, de car?ter explorat?rio, analisa a emerg?ncia dos smart speakers e a reintermedia...
This article brings questions about the new logics of production, distribution, and consumption of r...
This paper proposes an extension of the personal experience of the listener through radio. The radio...
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Media Interactivos)A rádi...
The twentieth century is commonly recognized as the century of image. Many forms of visual communica...
Publicado em "Colonialisms, post-colonialisms and lusophonies: proceedings of the 4th International ...
This essay explores how the very idea of music radio has changed profoundly in the last decade. It o...
This paper seeks theoretical support in the political economy of communication to analyze the outloo...
This paper investigates interactional practices on expanded musical radio (from Hertzian airwaves to...
The free radio movement brought up a series of questions about broadcasting in the 1970’s. These sta...
Radio has long been considered and studied as a particular technological, institutional and communic...
La indústria radiofònica es troba en ple procés de transformació i adapt...
This article aims to show the current knowledge of radiophonic research in Brazil. Thus, we start f...
This paper reflects about the interactivity on the radio in the context of convergence, based on the...
The New Technologies of Information and Communication brought new circumstances to recovering radio’...
O presente artigo, de car?ter explorat?rio, analisa a emerg?ncia dos smart speakers e a reintermedia...
This article brings questions about the new logics of production, distribution, and consumption of r...
This paper proposes an extension of the personal experience of the listener through radio. The radio...
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Media Interactivos)A rádi...
The twentieth century is commonly recognized as the century of image. Many forms of visual communica...
Publicado em "Colonialisms, post-colonialisms and lusophonies: proceedings of the 4th International ...
This essay explores how the very idea of music radio has changed profoundly in the last decade. It o...
This paper seeks theoretical support in the political economy of communication to analyze the outloo...
This paper investigates interactional practices on expanded musical radio (from Hertzian airwaves to...
The free radio movement brought up a series of questions about broadcasting in the 1970’s. These sta...
Radio has long been considered and studied as a particular technological, institutional and communic...
La indústria radiofònica es troba en ple procés de transformació i adapt...
This article aims to show the current knowledge of radiophonic research in Brazil. Thus, we start f...
This paper reflects about the interactivity on the radio in the context of convergence, based on the...
The New Technologies of Information and Communication brought new circumstances to recovering radio’...