Efekat delimičnog sušenja korenova (DSK) na biljke paradajza (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) je bio predmet istraživanja u ovoj magistarskoj tezi. Biljke paradajza su gajene u komercijalnom supstratu sa korenovim sistemom podeljenim u dve plastične posude. Na kraju vegetativnog i u toku generativnog perioda razvića biljaka polovina korenovog sistema je izlagana suši, dok je ostatak zalivan. Posle c. 10 dana (kada je vlažnost zemljišta redukovana na 30%) izvršena je inverzija što je omogućilo da se optimalno zalivana polovina izlaže suši, dok se suva polovina zaliva. Za merenje ispitivanih parametara odabrano je deset biljaka po tretmanu. Visina biljaka, broj i površina listova su mereni svakih 5 dana kao i broj cvetnih grana. U toku istog vre...
Tomato plants were grown in commercial compost with the root system divided equally in two parts (PR...
Tomato plants were grown in commercial compost with the root system divided equally in two parts (PR...
Pepper and tomato plants were grown in the commercial compost with the root system divided equally i...
Istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije su obavljena u tri eksperimentalna sistema: u fitotronu na hi...
Istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije su obavljena u tri eksperimentalna sistema: u fitotronu na hi...
Istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije su obavljena u tri eksperimentalna sistema: u fitotronu na hi...
Partial root-zone drying (PRD) technique, a novel approach to watering crops, was developed on the b...
The effects of partial rootzone drying (PRD), deficit irrigation (DI), and full irrigation (FI) on t...
The effects of partial rootzone drying (PRD), deficit irrigation (DI), and full irrigation (FI) on t...
The effects of partial rootzone drying (PRD), deficit irrigation (DI), and full irrigation (FI) on t...
Partial root-zone drying (PRD) technique, a novel approach to watering crops, was developed on the b...
Drought is one of the major limiting factors of intensive agricultural production and therefore prod...
Suša je jedan od glavnih ograničavajućih faktora u intenzivnoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji i zbog to...
Cilj ovog istraţivanja je bio da se detaljno prouĉe morfo-anatomski i citološki parametri graĊe peri...
Tomato plants were grown in commercial compost with the root system divided equally in two parts (PR...
Tomato plants were grown in commercial compost with the root system divided equally in two parts (PR...
Tomato plants were grown in commercial compost with the root system divided equally in two parts (PR...
Pepper and tomato plants were grown in the commercial compost with the root system divided equally i...
Istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije su obavljena u tri eksperimentalna sistema: u fitotronu na hi...
Istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije su obavljena u tri eksperimentalna sistema: u fitotronu na hi...
Istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije su obavljena u tri eksperimentalna sistema: u fitotronu na hi...
Partial root-zone drying (PRD) technique, a novel approach to watering crops, was developed on the b...
The effects of partial rootzone drying (PRD), deficit irrigation (DI), and full irrigation (FI) on t...
The effects of partial rootzone drying (PRD), deficit irrigation (DI), and full irrigation (FI) on t...
The effects of partial rootzone drying (PRD), deficit irrigation (DI), and full irrigation (FI) on t...
Partial root-zone drying (PRD) technique, a novel approach to watering crops, was developed on the b...
Drought is one of the major limiting factors of intensive agricultural production and therefore prod...
Suša je jedan od glavnih ograničavajućih faktora u intenzivnoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji i zbog to...
Cilj ovog istraţivanja je bio da se detaljno prouĉe morfo-anatomski i citološki parametri graĊe peri...
Tomato plants were grown in commercial compost with the root system divided equally in two parts (PR...
Tomato plants were grown in commercial compost with the root system divided equally in two parts (PR...
Tomato plants were grown in commercial compost with the root system divided equally in two parts (PR...
Pepper and tomato plants were grown in the commercial compost with the root system divided equally i...