Peut-on tout échanger ?: Le corps humain comme objet de transaction Réflexion sur le don et le commerce des organes

  • Delassus, Eric
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Publication date
May 2011


The prohibition of trade in organs is sometimes challenged by supporters of a liberal claiming that the freedom to dispose of his person and his body may be limited. However the question arises whether we can still talk about freedom in this area. Is there not a contradiction in terms to call and question the distinction between things and people upon which the laws regarding the gift and trade of all or part of the human body? If not everything can be an economic exchange, does not make possible the giving and sharing events that are among the highest, of human freedom?L'interdiction du commerce des organes est parfois remise en cause par les partisans d'un libéralisme prétendant que la liberté de disposer de sa personne et de son corps ne...

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