Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy 2011This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. ©2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this wo...
An important challenge in open innovation is the capability to absorb and exploit external inbound k...
This study amplifies the attention for one of the most important (yet often neglected) basic assumpt...
ISBN : 978-3-200-03135-7 Pulication disponible en ligne :
노트 : Paper prepared for the the Asia-Pacific Economic and Business History Conference 2011, held in ...
The paper empirically analyses the effect of R&D activities, human resource and knowledge manage...
This paper empirically analyzes the effect of R&D activities, human resource and knowledge managemen...
The paper empirically analyses the effect of R&D activities, human resource and knowledge management...
Absorptive capacity is a set of capabilities of the firm which enable it to recognise,acquire, assim...
The market for technology plays a crucial role in firms’ technology strategy as a way to undertake s...
The market for technology plays a crucial role in firms’ technology strategy as a way to undertake s...
International audienceAbsorptive capacity is one of the most important constructs to emerge in organ...
International audienceAbsorptive capacity is one of the most important constructs to emerge in organ...
This paper addresses two fundamental problems in the absorptive capacity (AC) literature: conceptual...
The objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between absorptive capacity, intellectual...
This paper evaluates how firm absorptive capacity moderates the impact of knowledge spillovers on in...
An important challenge in open innovation is the capability to absorb and exploit external inbound k...
This study amplifies the attention for one of the most important (yet often neglected) basic assumpt...
ISBN : 978-3-200-03135-7 Pulication disponible en ligne :
노트 : Paper prepared for the the Asia-Pacific Economic and Business History Conference 2011, held in ...
The paper empirically analyses the effect of R&D activities, human resource and knowledge manage...
This paper empirically analyzes the effect of R&D activities, human resource and knowledge managemen...
The paper empirically analyses the effect of R&D activities, human resource and knowledge management...
Absorptive capacity is a set of capabilities of the firm which enable it to recognise,acquire, assim...
The market for technology plays a crucial role in firms’ technology strategy as a way to undertake s...
The market for technology plays a crucial role in firms’ technology strategy as a way to undertake s...
International audienceAbsorptive capacity is one of the most important constructs to emerge in organ...
International audienceAbsorptive capacity is one of the most important constructs to emerge in organ...
This paper addresses two fundamental problems in the absorptive capacity (AC) literature: conceptual...
The objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between absorptive capacity, intellectual...
This paper evaluates how firm absorptive capacity moderates the impact of knowledge spillovers on in...
An important challenge in open innovation is the capability to absorb and exploit external inbound k...
This study amplifies the attention for one of the most important (yet often neglected) basic assumpt...
ISBN : 978-3-200-03135-7 Pulication disponible en ligne :