SB64-20/21: Resolution Condemning White Supremacy. This resolution was approved unanimously during the February 24, 2021 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM)
SB10-21/22: Resolution Endorsing the University of Montana Civic Knowledge Initiative. This resoluti...
SB5-21/22: Resolution Standardizing the ASUM Bylaws and House Rules for Proper Formatting and Clarit...
SB14-20/21: Resolution Amending Article V, Section 4, Paragraphs A & B of the ASUM Bylaws. This reso...
SB74-20/21: Resolution Supporting the Segregation of Funds for the Student Advocacy Resource Center....
SB1-21/22: Resolution Creating an ASUM Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee. This resolution was...
SB67-20/21: Resolution Amending ASUM Bylaws to Require Anti-Bias Training for ASUM Executives and Se...
SB63B-19/20: Resolution Endorsing the ASUM Fee Initiatives. This resolution passed unanimously durin...
SB100_21-22_Resolution Establishing an Anti-Racism Audit of ASUM. This resolution passed unanimously...
SB20-17/18: Opposing Hate Speech: This resolution was passed 20Y-3N-1A on a roll call vote during th...
SB13-20/21: Resolution Regarding ASUM\u27s Endorsement of the University of Montana COVID-19 Reporti...
SB100-21/22-Resolution Establishing an Anti-Racism Audit of ASUM. This resolution passed unanimously...
SB61-20/21: Resolution Opposing HB 349. This resolution passed on a 20Y-0N-2A vote during the Februa...
SB76-19/20: Resolution Urging UM to Develop Online Sex Trafficking Resources. This resolution passed...
SB50-20/21: Resolution Establishing ASUM\u27s Position Against the Open-Carry of Firearms on the Uni...
SB21-20/21: Resolution Amending Article V, Section 4, Paragraphs I, J, and K of the ASUM Bylaws. Thi...
SB10-21/22: Resolution Endorsing the University of Montana Civic Knowledge Initiative. This resoluti...
SB5-21/22: Resolution Standardizing the ASUM Bylaws and House Rules for Proper Formatting and Clarit...
SB14-20/21: Resolution Amending Article V, Section 4, Paragraphs A & B of the ASUM Bylaws. This reso...
SB74-20/21: Resolution Supporting the Segregation of Funds for the Student Advocacy Resource Center....
SB1-21/22: Resolution Creating an ASUM Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee. This resolution was...
SB67-20/21: Resolution Amending ASUM Bylaws to Require Anti-Bias Training for ASUM Executives and Se...
SB63B-19/20: Resolution Endorsing the ASUM Fee Initiatives. This resolution passed unanimously durin...
SB100_21-22_Resolution Establishing an Anti-Racism Audit of ASUM. This resolution passed unanimously...
SB20-17/18: Opposing Hate Speech: This resolution was passed 20Y-3N-1A on a roll call vote during th...
SB13-20/21: Resolution Regarding ASUM\u27s Endorsement of the University of Montana COVID-19 Reporti...
SB100-21/22-Resolution Establishing an Anti-Racism Audit of ASUM. This resolution passed unanimously...
SB61-20/21: Resolution Opposing HB 349. This resolution passed on a 20Y-0N-2A vote during the Februa...
SB76-19/20: Resolution Urging UM to Develop Online Sex Trafficking Resources. This resolution passed...
SB50-20/21: Resolution Establishing ASUM\u27s Position Against the Open-Carry of Firearms on the Uni...
SB21-20/21: Resolution Amending Article V, Section 4, Paragraphs I, J, and K of the ASUM Bylaws. Thi...
SB10-21/22: Resolution Endorsing the University of Montana Civic Knowledge Initiative. This resoluti...
SB5-21/22: Resolution Standardizing the ASUM Bylaws and House Rules for Proper Formatting and Clarit...
SB14-20/21: Resolution Amending Article V, Section 4, Paragraphs A & B of the ASUM Bylaws. This reso...