When a thatch layer accumulates on turfgrass it can be detrimental to the stand. A field experiment was initiated to investigate aerification treatments and their influence on organic matter, quality, and color of ‘Innovation’ zoysiagrass that was sodded within the past year. Turfgrass that was intensely aerified had less organic matter content in the surface inch of the profile compared to turfgrass that was not aerified. Color was also enhanced in treatments receiving aerification compared to nonaerified turf, which may have been attributed to trending of higher nitrate content in aerified plots
Research has demonstrated that polystands of zoysiagrass and tall fescue can be established successf...
Turf colorants effectively enhanced green color of dormant buffalograss. Using a higher application ...
Citation: Obasa, K., . . . & Kennelly, M. (2013). Effect of Cultivation and Timing of Nitrogen Ferti...
The desire to maintain optimal turfgrass and surface properties often leads turfgrass managers to mi...
Annual ryegrass overseeding into lawn-height zoysiagrass provided acceptable turf color for only fou...
Organic matter (OM) management is a critical component in sustainable turfgrass management. Organic ...
The term cultivation can be a bit confusing when used in the context of turfgrass management. While ...
Earlier research has demonstrated that polystands of zoysiagrass and tall fescue can be established ...
In this study, annual nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions were greatest in urea and least in untreated (no...
The National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) Zoysia Test was planted in 2019 at the Kansas State...
Water conservation is increasingly important when selecting turfgrasses. Zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonic...
Minimal research exists on potential clothing blemishing when athletes contact turfgrass applied wit...
This NebGuide describes how thatch accumulation damages turfgrass sites, and gives methods for remov...
There are roughly 220 golf courses in Arkansas, and as many as 50% of these courses were constructed...
Turf quality characteristics and large patch incidence of ten selected experimental zoysiagrass geno...
Research has demonstrated that polystands of zoysiagrass and tall fescue can be established successf...
Turf colorants effectively enhanced green color of dormant buffalograss. Using a higher application ...
Citation: Obasa, K., . . . & Kennelly, M. (2013). Effect of Cultivation and Timing of Nitrogen Ferti...
The desire to maintain optimal turfgrass and surface properties often leads turfgrass managers to mi...
Annual ryegrass overseeding into lawn-height zoysiagrass provided acceptable turf color for only fou...
Organic matter (OM) management is a critical component in sustainable turfgrass management. Organic ...
The term cultivation can be a bit confusing when used in the context of turfgrass management. While ...
Earlier research has demonstrated that polystands of zoysiagrass and tall fescue can be established ...
In this study, annual nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions were greatest in urea and least in untreated (no...
The National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) Zoysia Test was planted in 2019 at the Kansas State...
Water conservation is increasingly important when selecting turfgrasses. Zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonic...
Minimal research exists on potential clothing blemishing when athletes contact turfgrass applied wit...
This NebGuide describes how thatch accumulation damages turfgrass sites, and gives methods for remov...
There are roughly 220 golf courses in Arkansas, and as many as 50% of these courses were constructed...
Turf quality characteristics and large patch incidence of ten selected experimental zoysiagrass geno...
Research has demonstrated that polystands of zoysiagrass and tall fescue can be established successf...
Turf colorants effectively enhanced green color of dormant buffalograss. Using a higher application ...
Citation: Obasa, K., . . . & Kennelly, M. (2013). Effect of Cultivation and Timing of Nitrogen Ferti...