The Adriatic Sea is known to be under a high flooding risk. In June 2017, a tide-gauge station with a 1- min sampling resolution has been installed at Stari Grad (Hvar Island, middle Adriatic Sea). Three years of corresponding sea-level measurements were analyzed, and 10 strongest episodes of each of the following extreme types were extracted: positive long-period (T > 210 min) extremes; negative longperiod (T > 210 min) extremes; short-period (T 210 min) ekstremi; (2) negativni dugo-periodički (T > 210 min) ekstremi; (3) kratko-periodički (T < 210) ekstremi. Podaci ERA5 reanalize pokazali su da se pozitivni dugo-periodički ekstremi javljaju za vrijeme prisutnosti niskog tlaka zraka nad Jadranom, te puhanja izraženog jugoistočnog vjet...