NÁZEV Vliv povinné plavecké výuky na flexibilitu d tí mladšího školního v ku na základní škole Hostýnská AUTOR Kate ina Merrelová KATEDRA Katedra t lesné výchovy VEDOUCÍ PRÁCE PaedDr. Irena Svobodová ABSTRAKT Diplomová práce cílí na flexibilitu u d tí mladšího školního v ku, konkrétn na zjišt ní vlivu základního plaveckého výcviku na kloubní pohyblivost mladšího školního v ku. Pro tato zjišt ní budou využity ov ené testy kloubní pohyblivosti. Testování prob hne dvakrát. Poprvé bude testování probíhat na za átku základního plaveckého výcviku a podruhé po dvou m sících probíhajícího plaveckého výcviku. Testovanou skupinu budou tvo it žáci základní školy Hostýnská, kte í se ú astnili plaveckého výcviku. Rovnom rn v ní budou zastoupeni chlapci ...
Rad se temelji na analizi stručne literature koja se odnosi na važnost dobrobiti plivanja na cjeloku...
Since ancient times swimming has played an important role in people's lives and today swimming is on...
The aim of my diploma thesis is to find out and influence positively with the help of some compensat...
TITLE Influence of the obligatory swimming course on flexibility of children in younger school age a...
The aim of the diploma thesis is to observe the influence of articular mobility through swimming les...
TITLE: Influence of swimming on increasing flexibility as a component of the desterity of primary sc...
Purpose of this thesis is to determine how affects has basic swimming training on mobility and flexi...
V diplomskem delu z naslovom Vpliv plavanja na gibalni razvoj otroka sem želela ugotoviti, koliko ot...
The aim of the research was to examine and compare the effects of physical education (PE) classes wi...
The aim of my master thesis is to compare the entry and exit swimming level of younger school-age ch...
Bakalářská práce porovnává změny plavecké gramotnosti u dětí třetích tříd z turnovských a libereckýc...
V diplomskem delu z naslovom Vpliv plavanja na usvajanje gibalnih znanj pri otrocih smo želeli ugoto...
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to find out how swimming training affects the development of ...
TITLE Aspects affecting literacy in swimming lessons of primary school pupils AUTHOR Barbora Svobodo...
V magistrskem delu smo preučevali značilnosti gibalno oviranega učenca na deseturnem plavalnem tečaj...
Rad se temelji na analizi stručne literature koja se odnosi na važnost dobrobiti plivanja na cjeloku...
Since ancient times swimming has played an important role in people's lives and today swimming is on...
The aim of my diploma thesis is to find out and influence positively with the help of some compensat...
TITLE Influence of the obligatory swimming course on flexibility of children in younger school age a...
The aim of the diploma thesis is to observe the influence of articular mobility through swimming les...
TITLE: Influence of swimming on increasing flexibility as a component of the desterity of primary sc...
Purpose of this thesis is to determine how affects has basic swimming training on mobility and flexi...
V diplomskem delu z naslovom Vpliv plavanja na gibalni razvoj otroka sem želela ugotoviti, koliko ot...
The aim of the research was to examine and compare the effects of physical education (PE) classes wi...
The aim of my master thesis is to compare the entry and exit swimming level of younger school-age ch...
Bakalářská práce porovnává změny plavecké gramotnosti u dětí třetích tříd z turnovských a libereckýc...
V diplomskem delu z naslovom Vpliv plavanja na usvajanje gibalnih znanj pri otrocih smo želeli ugoto...
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to find out how swimming training affects the development of ...
TITLE Aspects affecting literacy in swimming lessons of primary school pupils AUTHOR Barbora Svobodo...
V magistrskem delu smo preučevali značilnosti gibalno oviranega učenca na deseturnem plavalnem tečaj...
Rad se temelji na analizi stručne literature koja se odnosi na važnost dobrobiti plivanja na cjeloku...
Since ancient times swimming has played an important role in people's lives and today swimming is on...
The aim of my diploma thesis is to find out and influence positively with the help of some compensat...