Šaltalankis (Hippophae spp. (L.) jau nuo seniausių laikų naudojamas dėl savo medicininių ir maistinių savybių, tačiau šis augalas primirštas Baltijos šalyse. Apie šaltalankio uogų ir lapų biologinių savybių aktyvumo priklausomybę nuo jų paruošimo nėra pakankamai duomenų, todėl šis augalas ir buvo pasirinktas, kaip tyrimo objektas. Dėl šalyje paskelbto karantino, darbas paremtas mokslinių straipsnių analize. Atliekant antioksidacinių savybių ir antibakterinio aktyvumo literatūros duomenų analizę, buvo lyginami šaltalankio šaldytų, džiovintų uogų ir lapų metanoliniai ekstraktai. Literatūros duomenų analizė rodo, jog šaldytos uogos prarado apie 62 % fenolinių junginių ir 58 % flavonoidų kiekio, o džiovintos uogos turėjo apie 6 kartus daugia...
Sea buckthorn (Hippophaë rhamnoides, SB) leaves contain wide-ranging bioactive compounds. Processing...
Sea buckthorn (Hippophae L.) is a berry bush belonging to the family of dandruff, their normal heigh...
Presented work summarizes the data about polyphenolic profiles in various plant parts (leaves, shoot...
In 2020, 2540 hectars of sea buckthorn berries were declared in Lithuania. In recent years, their gr...
The topic of the master thesis by I. Kozubovskaitė/ Research supervisor dr. Raimondas Raudonis; Lith...
Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L. (HR)) leaf powders are the underutilized, promising resource ...
Dygliuotųjų šaltalankių uogose gausu vitamino E, karotino, askorbino rūgšties, vitamino B1, B2, B6, ...
Pasji trn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) je listopadna grmolika biljna vrsta iz obitelji Elaeagnaceae, pr...
The processing of fruits results in high amounts of waste materials such as peels and seeds which is...
Consumer behavior changed a lot in the last few years. The chemicals used in food production discour...
For sustainable sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) berry production, the task at hand is to find a...
Content of total phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity (FRAP) were investigated in the leaves ...
Berries of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) are characterized by increasing popularity due to...
Food industry more and more tendsto replace the synthetic compounds in foods with natural ones. A...
Darbā veikti pētījumi par smiltsērkšķu nektāra uzglabāšanas laika pagarināšanas iespējām. Pētījuma o...
Sea buckthorn (Hippophaë rhamnoides, SB) leaves contain wide-ranging bioactive compounds. Processing...
Sea buckthorn (Hippophae L.) is a berry bush belonging to the family of dandruff, their normal heigh...
Presented work summarizes the data about polyphenolic profiles in various plant parts (leaves, shoot...
In 2020, 2540 hectars of sea buckthorn berries were declared in Lithuania. In recent years, their gr...
The topic of the master thesis by I. Kozubovskaitė/ Research supervisor dr. Raimondas Raudonis; Lith...
Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L. (HR)) leaf powders are the underutilized, promising resource ...
Dygliuotųjų šaltalankių uogose gausu vitamino E, karotino, askorbino rūgšties, vitamino B1, B2, B6, ...
Pasji trn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) je listopadna grmolika biljna vrsta iz obitelji Elaeagnaceae, pr...
The processing of fruits results in high amounts of waste materials such as peels and seeds which is...
Consumer behavior changed a lot in the last few years. The chemicals used in food production discour...
For sustainable sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) berry production, the task at hand is to find a...
Content of total phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity (FRAP) were investigated in the leaves ...
Berries of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) are characterized by increasing popularity due to...
Food industry more and more tendsto replace the synthetic compounds in foods with natural ones. A...
Darbā veikti pētījumi par smiltsērkšķu nektāra uzglabāšanas laika pagarināšanas iespējām. Pētījuma o...
Sea buckthorn (Hippophaë rhamnoides, SB) leaves contain wide-ranging bioactive compounds. Processing...
Sea buckthorn (Hippophae L.) is a berry bush belonging to the family of dandruff, their normal heigh...
Presented work summarizes the data about polyphenolic profiles in various plant parts (leaves, shoot...