Excursion A-2: A Geological Traverse from the Hudson River to Long Island Sound; Excursion B-3: Paleontological Trip to the New Jersey Coastal Plain; Excursion C-1: Progressive Metamorphism of the Hudson River Series; Excursion C-2: Glacial Geology of Long Island; Excursion C-3: Engineering Projects in New York City
Program includes visits to West Rock, Pine Rock and East Rock (near New Haven) and near the eastern ...
Guidebook for field trips in New York, Massachusetts and Vermont: 61st annual meeting at the State U...
Trip A: Percy Quadrangle: Trip B: Gorham and Mt. Washington quadrangles; Trip C: Northern part of Mt...
Trip A: Glacial; Trip B: East Wall of Triassic; Trip C: The Eastern Highlands; Trip D: West Wall of ...
Program includes visits to Boston Sand and Gravel Company at Scituate, Squantum Head and Neponse
Trip A: New London Turnpike; Trip B: Stratigraphy and Structure in the Triassic Rocks of Central Con...
Glacial Lakes and Channels near Worcester are examined including Glacial Lake Auburn
Excursion A: Strickland Pegmatite Quarry, Collins Hill, Portland; Excursion B: Fault line between th...
A study of the stratigraphy, structure and glacial geology of the Taconic Quadrangl
Trip A: Structure and age relations of pre-Triassic rocks near the north end of Triassic area; Trip ...
Trip A: Triassic sedimentary rocks of central Connecticut; Trip B: Hartland Formation and Nonewaug G...
Trip A: Glacial geology of the Canaan-Danbury area; Trip B: Structure and Metamorphism of the region...
Trip A: Littleton quadrangle and northwest corner of the Moosilauke quadrangle; Trip B: Moosilauke q...
Locality 1: Cut on Bow Street, south of Turkey Hill, northwest corner of Arlington; Locality 2: Blue...
50th meeting New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference: Connecticut, 1958: Trip
Program includes visits to West Rock, Pine Rock and East Rock (near New Haven) and near the eastern ...
Guidebook for field trips in New York, Massachusetts and Vermont: 61st annual meeting at the State U...
Trip A: Percy Quadrangle: Trip B: Gorham and Mt. Washington quadrangles; Trip C: Northern part of Mt...
Trip A: Glacial; Trip B: East Wall of Triassic; Trip C: The Eastern Highlands; Trip D: West Wall of ...
Program includes visits to Boston Sand and Gravel Company at Scituate, Squantum Head and Neponse
Trip A: New London Turnpike; Trip B: Stratigraphy and Structure in the Triassic Rocks of Central Con...
Glacial Lakes and Channels near Worcester are examined including Glacial Lake Auburn
Excursion A: Strickland Pegmatite Quarry, Collins Hill, Portland; Excursion B: Fault line between th...
A study of the stratigraphy, structure and glacial geology of the Taconic Quadrangl
Trip A: Structure and age relations of pre-Triassic rocks near the north end of Triassic area; Trip ...
Trip A: Triassic sedimentary rocks of central Connecticut; Trip B: Hartland Formation and Nonewaug G...
Trip A: Glacial geology of the Canaan-Danbury area; Trip B: Structure and Metamorphism of the region...
Trip A: Littleton quadrangle and northwest corner of the Moosilauke quadrangle; Trip B: Moosilauke q...
Locality 1: Cut on Bow Street, south of Turkey Hill, northwest corner of Arlington; Locality 2: Blue...
50th meeting New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference: Connecticut, 1958: Trip
Program includes visits to West Rock, Pine Rock and East Rock (near New Haven) and near the eastern ...
Guidebook for field trips in New York, Massachusetts and Vermont: 61st annual meeting at the State U...
Trip A: Percy Quadrangle: Trip B: Gorham and Mt. Washington quadrangles; Trip C: Northern part of Mt...