Three-dimensional assessment of the anterior and inferior loop of the inferior alveolar nerve using computed tomography images in patients with and without mandibular asymmetry

  • 김재영
  • 박광호
  • 전국진
  • 허종기
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Publication date
February 2021
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
BMC Oral Health


Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in configuration and dimensions of the anterior loop of the inferior alveolar nerve (ALIAN) in patients with and without mandibular asymmetry. Method: Preoperative computed tomography images of patients who had undergone orthognathic surgery from January 2016 to December 2018 at a single institution were analyzed. Subjects were classified into two groups as "Asymmetry group" and "Symmetry group". The distance from the most anterior and most inferior points of the ALIAN (IANant and IANinf) to the vertical and horizontal reference planes were measured (dAnt and dInf). The distance from IANant and IANinf to the mental foramen were also calculated (dAnt_MF and dInf_MF). T...

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