Technical document (South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control) ; number: 003-2021

  • Waldner, Susan
  • South Carolina Bureau of Water
  • South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
Publication date
March 2021
South Carolina State Library


The federal Clean Water Act directs each state to review the quality of its waters every two years to determine if water quality standards are being met. A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) is a written plan and analysis to determine the maximum pollutant load a waterbody can receive and still meet applicable water quality standards. This report describes the development of an Escherichia coli (E. coli) TMDL for impaired water quality monitoring (WQM) stations RS-16312 on Cattail Branch and PD-251 on Black Creek. Hydrologic Unit Codes: 030402010601, 030402010602, 030402010603, 030402010604, 030402010606

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