AGENDA 1. Pledge of Allegiance -- 2. Call to Order and Welcome -- 3. Roll Call -- 4. USF St. Petersburg Update -- 5. USF St. Petersburg Student Government Update -- 6. Action Items: 6.1 Approval of the October 14, 2010 Meeting Minutes -- 6.2 Approval of the 2011-2012 Parking Brochure and Rates -- 6.3 Approval of the 2011-2012 Housing Fee -- 7. Information Items: 7.1. Multi-Purpose Student Center Presentation -- 7.2 2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalog -- 7.3 2011-2012 Graduate Catalog -- 7.4 Special Presentations -- 8. Adjournmen
Student Government Senate Committee on University Affairs meeting agenda for 12/01/201
Student Government Senate Committee on University Affairs meeting agenda for 7/12/201
Student Government Senate Committee on University Affairs meeting agenda for 6/28/201
Members of the USFSP campus Board of Trustees learned about revisions to the Campus Master Plan that...
Interim Dean Karen Spear and faculty at USF St. Petersburg reviewed the status of the campus and dev...
3 p. document that includes a resolution to build the University Student Center building
Students meet with faculty in the A Building auditorium on the St. Petersburg campus during fall t...
21 p. document that includes a resolution to build the University Student Center building
USF St. Petersburg partners with the Pinellas County School Board to enable students from the county...
Student Government Senate Committee on University Affairs meeting agenda for 11/17/201
Student Government Senate Committee on University Affairs meeting agenda for 11/02/201
During the late 1990s, USF St. Petersburg faced new challenges while embarking on new initiatives. F...
Student Government Senate Committee on University Affairs meeting agenda for 09/22/201
Student Government Senate Committee on University Affairs meeting agenda for 06/14/201
Student Government Senate Committee on University Affairs meeting agenda for 11/10/201
Student Government Senate Committee on University Affairs meeting agenda for 12/01/201
Student Government Senate Committee on University Affairs meeting agenda for 7/12/201
Student Government Senate Committee on University Affairs meeting agenda for 6/28/201
Members of the USFSP campus Board of Trustees learned about revisions to the Campus Master Plan that...
Interim Dean Karen Spear and faculty at USF St. Petersburg reviewed the status of the campus and dev...
3 p. document that includes a resolution to build the University Student Center building
Students meet with faculty in the A Building auditorium on the St. Petersburg campus during fall t...
21 p. document that includes a resolution to build the University Student Center building
USF St. Petersburg partners with the Pinellas County School Board to enable students from the county...
Student Government Senate Committee on University Affairs meeting agenda for 11/17/201
Student Government Senate Committee on University Affairs meeting agenda for 11/02/201
During the late 1990s, USF St. Petersburg faced new challenges while embarking on new initiatives. F...
Student Government Senate Committee on University Affairs meeting agenda for 09/22/201
Student Government Senate Committee on University Affairs meeting agenda for 06/14/201
Student Government Senate Committee on University Affairs meeting agenda for 11/10/201
Student Government Senate Committee on University Affairs meeting agenda for 12/01/201
Student Government Senate Committee on University Affairs meeting agenda for 7/12/201
Student Government Senate Committee on University Affairs meeting agenda for 6/28/201