A) Amino acid sequence alignment of DBD of MlERRs. B) Bayesian phylogenetic tree of MlERRs, the BPPs values are shown above each branch. Branches under the PPs 0.5 are shown as polytomies. The same data set was also tested by ML method using PHYML (v2.4.4) (under JTT +G model (equilibrium frequencies model, proportion of invariable sites was estimated as fixed 0.0, number of substitution rate categories: 4, gamma shape parameter was estimated as 0.547). Support values for the tree were obtained by bootstrapping a 1,000 replicates and bootstrap values above 500 are indicated below each branch (or after MrBAYES BPPs separated by Slash). Bg: Biomphalaria glabrata, d: Drosophila melanogaster, h: Homo sapiens, Lg: Lottia gigantean, Ml: Macrostom...