Egyptian costume design for an elegant woman. The dress, beneath a decorative collar, is tight fitting with a slit at the front. Note in upper right, titled in lower right.Catherine Hannigsberg-Schuelein, France.Digital imageCarvallo-Schülein, Suzanne (1883-1972). Portrait painter and designer, married the painter Julius Wolfgang Schülein (1881 Munich —1970 New York, Werner Cahnman's uncle) 1912. The Schüleins belonged to a circle of prominent artists and intellectuals in Munich. Among their friends were Heinrich and Thomas Mann, Lion Feuchtwanger, Paul Klee, and Vassily Kandinsky. In 1930 the Schüleins moved to Berlin. In 1933, with the intervention of the French ambassador to Germany François Poncet, the Schülein’s were able to flee to Pa...