Hauntology – a compound term created by Jacques Derrida – means the “Ontology (that is to say, the science of being) of what “haunts”: specters, ghosts” (Charles Ramond, The Vocabulary of Jacques Derrida). The Derridean neologism is a paronomasia, the paronym of a word – ontology – of which it is not a synonym. The hauntology is a “category […] irreducible, and first of all to everything it makes possible: ontology, theology, positive or negative onto-theology”, Jacques Derrida writes (Specters of Marx, tr. Peggy Kamuf). It is an ontology, the ontology of the being of non-being and the non-being of being, of something which, or someone who “is not there”, “like any ghost worthy of the name ». (Ibid.) “There is no Dasein of the specter, but ...