An enigmatic figure in Scandinavian medieval narratives, Loki, sometimes called Loptr or Hveðrungr, is described in Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda as an unstable being who often puts the Aesir into, and at other times gets them out of, difficult situations. This can be seen in many of their adventures. While little is known about Loki's mother, apart from the fact that she was called Laufey, we do know that her father is a giant called Fárbauti. His many acts of mischief would lead to Baldr's death, and for this he will be held prisoner and tortured until the Ragnarökr, the final battle of the end of time, comes. He will side with the giants to oppose the other gods.téléchargeabl
This essay considers the mythological writing of Snorri Sturluson (d. 1241) in its most temporally p...
In this children's novel by Neil Gaiman, the hero, a young boy named Oddr, accompanies the gods, who...
Resumen El artículo lleva con un análisis general en los mitos que implican el personage de Loki y ...
Loki is commonly recognized as one of the many characters inhabiting the cinematic universe of Marve...
Snaptun On the forge-stone found on the beach by Snaptun in Horsens Fjord, a man's head is depicted ...
When reading old Norse epics, scholars have been astonished that the iron-age warrior Starkad and th...
Loki the trickster god is free from his chains. Now he\u27s readying Naglfar, the Ship of the Dead, ...
Here, Arthur Rackham chooses to highlight Erda, called Jörð in Old Norse, a female character belongi...
Snorri Sturluson lived more than five hundred years before Elias Lönnrot, and in a different part of...
Marx Jean. Rooth (Anna Birgitta). Loki in Scandinavian Mythology. Lund, 1961 (Collection des Acta Re...
With many enigmatic characters and engaging stories, Norse literature and mythology have had a forma...
The author sets out to provide a comprehensive overview of all source material, previous research an...
Figure énigmatique des récits médiévaux scandinaves, Loki, parfois appelé Loptr ou Hveðrungr, est dé...
Further possible clues to the relevance of myths concerning the god Yngvi-Freyr and his circle may b...
The submitted work concerns itself with the analysis and interpretation of the Utgarðaloki character...
This essay considers the mythological writing of Snorri Sturluson (d. 1241) in its most temporally p...
In this children's novel by Neil Gaiman, the hero, a young boy named Oddr, accompanies the gods, who...
Resumen El artículo lleva con un análisis general en los mitos que implican el personage de Loki y ...
Loki is commonly recognized as one of the many characters inhabiting the cinematic universe of Marve...
Snaptun On the forge-stone found on the beach by Snaptun in Horsens Fjord, a man's head is depicted ...
When reading old Norse epics, scholars have been astonished that the iron-age warrior Starkad and th...
Loki the trickster god is free from his chains. Now he\u27s readying Naglfar, the Ship of the Dead, ...
Here, Arthur Rackham chooses to highlight Erda, called Jörð in Old Norse, a female character belongi...
Snorri Sturluson lived more than five hundred years before Elias Lönnrot, and in a different part of...
Marx Jean. Rooth (Anna Birgitta). Loki in Scandinavian Mythology. Lund, 1961 (Collection des Acta Re...
With many enigmatic characters and engaging stories, Norse literature and mythology have had a forma...
The author sets out to provide a comprehensive overview of all source material, previous research an...
Figure énigmatique des récits médiévaux scandinaves, Loki, parfois appelé Loptr ou Hveðrungr, est dé...
Further possible clues to the relevance of myths concerning the god Yngvi-Freyr and his circle may b...
The submitted work concerns itself with the analysis and interpretation of the Utgarðaloki character...
This essay considers the mythological writing of Snorri Sturluson (d. 1241) in its most temporally p...
In this children's novel by Neil Gaiman, the hero, a young boy named Oddr, accompanies the gods, who...
Resumen El artículo lleva con un análisis general en los mitos que implican el personage de Loki y ...